Hi all,
I had recently read a blog post, https://vinipsmaker.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/tufao-1-0-0/ , about a new version of a Qt-based web framework called Tufão.
But I had forgotten the name of the framework, so, today, when I had the idea of creating a web application (in the future) and I decided to go on and use this framework, Tufão, I had to search for it. When I searched for “qt web framework”, in addition to Tufão, I found out about your project, QDjango.
I would like to suggest that you have a look at the Tufão project and talk to its developers, and hopefully one of the following things happen:
* You both teams realize that you have exactly the same goals, and agree on enough things as to merge the projects together.
* You both teams realize that, while you have similar goals, there are differences that justify the existence of both projects.
In the latter case, whatever the reasons be that justify the existence of both projects (even if they are as “studid” as not agreeing on a name for the joint project), I would love to see that you both mention each other project in your documentation, explaining the differences, and maybe why someone would want to use a project and not the other.
I’ve suggested this same thing in a comment in the Tufão blog post linked above.
I really hope you take my advice. Currently, searching for “qdjango tufao” in Google throws absolutely no results, and for the time I choose one framework or the other for my application (assuming the projects were not merged) , I would like to take an informed decision, and not to throw a coin. From the description of each project, you seem to take similar approaches and have the quite similar goals.
Every developer knows more than every other developer, so, you got no response.
-- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://about.me/vinipsmaker |