August Art Newsletter 2011

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John West Art Galleries

Aug 19, 2011, 12:21:26 PM8/19/11
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Art E-Newsletter- August 2011
Claerhout  |  Bosch  |  Specials  |  Boshoff  |

"Claerhout Fakes on Carte Blanche"

Date: 07 August 2011 07:00 Producer: Esté de Klerk
Presenter: Derek Watts
Researcher: Leila Dougan
Show: Carte Blanche

Click on image to watch video clip online

Father Frans Claerhout: "I am very happy that they will always remember my life not as a priest alone, not as an artist alone, but as Father Claerhout: priest and painter."

The life of Belgian painter and priest Frans Claerhout was characterised by humility and an extraordinary zest for life. He settled in South Africa as a Catholic missionary in the 1940s and for the next 50 years became well-known for his simplistic paintings of ordinary people in the sun-drenched Free State. He died in 2006, but lives on in his works.

Alice Pitzer: "He loved to paint people and things that he saw around him. And he had a heart for the people."

Rosa Jonker: "He was an artists, yes... great artist! But people forgot that he was also a person."

Four years before Father Claerhout's death, allegations of forgery surfaced. At the centre of them was Bloemfontein art dealer Rosa Jonker, whom Claerhout had regarded as a daughter. At the time, it was alleged that the artist himself spoke out about the forgeries.

Derek Watts (Carte Blanche presenter): "But there's another twist to this tale. Almost ten years ago Rosa apparently admitted to Father Claerhout that she was forging his work and said that she wanted to shoot herself."

However, Rosa denied this and the police investigation into these forgeries was inconclusive.

Robert Badenhorst (Artist & gallery owner): "Nowadays because of the market being affected by fakes and that sort of thing, his values have dropped considerably."

Artist and gallery owner Robert Badenhorst is passionate about Claerhout's works. From 2009, he began noticing that large numbers of original Claerhouts were being sold on an Internet site. They originated from an art dealer called Paranovalty, also known as Leo van Hirtum, none other than Rosa Jonker's brother. Robert bought two paintings from Leo, one for R3 000 and another for R1 000.

Robert: "I bought them because I knew they were irrefutably fake, they bare a slight resemblance to Claerhout's work, but the stylized faces are not there."

Without mentioning names, Robert posted a warning against fake Claerhouts on the site. Paranovalty took it personally.

Robert: "Initially I was a bit careful in how I put it to them. I tried to give a general warning. They came to the party though and took me on in a way that they identified themselves as people that were possibly guilty of what was going on."

We had the paintings analysed by art expert, Dr Fred Scott.

Dr Fred Scott (Art expert: "They were not made by the hand of Claerhout and they are actually horrendous fakes."

Alice Pitzer is a well-known and reputable Claerhout art dealer and has been for years. She knew Father Claerhout and bought all the paintings in her gallery directly from him.

Alice: "I mean, wouldn't I be the first to buy them?"

Derek: "What's bad about them?"

Alice: "They are not good."

Derek: "Not even good copies?"

Alice: "Ja, they are not at all... no! Especially that one, that one looks like a child draw that one... it was like wow! Not even good fakes."

Dr Scott: "If I can point out this figure here - Claerhout would never have painted a painting with a face on the side. There are some examples with faces on the side, but they are always inward-looking. The white paint there, it is just one brush-stroke, and if one compare it to his original paintings, he always layered white. So one would never see something like that in his paintings. And, also, the way that this house here is painted, that straight line down there - Claerhout was a very good observer and the perspective of that house is completely wrong. And this here, is just so amateurish that it is not true."

Derek: "Now some of these art dealers will give you a certificate of authenticity. It is dated 2003, it is a copy and it is actually signed by Father Claerhout."

In 2003, Father Claerhout wrote this letter to Rosa and Leo's mother, Klara, presumably to authenticate her own collection. But now, a copy of it accompanies all the so-called Claerhout paintings bought from Rosa and Leo on this website.

Robert: "There was a painting up for auction which I wanted to buy to use as evidence. The auction closed early and I contacted them by way of email and said that I so desperately want that painting. They said to me they unfortunately can't give it to me, they already sent it off. First thing the next morning I received an email saying: 'Go and look at Bid-or-Buy, you will find a similar one for you.' The next day it was with me and I was very excited to find that the paint was still wet."

Strange that the paint was still wet, because the painting has a personal message from Claerhout on the back - dated 2002.
With our evidence, we went to Bloemfontein to confront Rosa Jonker and her brother Leo van Hirtum. But Rosa wasn't pleased to see us arriving at their small holding.

Derek: "Good morning. Can we come and speak to you?"

Rosa Jonker: "No, I don't know what is going on here!"

Derek: "Okay, I will tell you what is going on here. We want to talk to you about Father Claerhout, your relationship with him."

Rosa: "Yes?"

Derek: "And all the paintings you are selling."

Rosa: "Yes?"

Derek: "Could we come and talk to you?"

Rosa: "But I don't want the camera. Why, why must the camera be here?"

Derek: "Because we are a television show."

Leo was ill, but Rosa eventually agreed to do an on-camera interview. She denied having ever forged Claerhout's works.

Rosa: "Wouldn't do it, wouldn't do it, would never do it."

Derek: "Never faked a Claerhout?"

Rosa: "No, I have never faked a Claerhout and Father never, never said to anyone that I had faked it."

Derek: "So, you say it wasn't a direct quote when Father Claerhout said that Rosa Jonker had been falsifying some of his paintings."

Rosa: "Not at all. Father would never have said that and he did not ever say it."

Instead she said, Claerhout had given her permission to 'assist' him with his paintings.

Rosa: "This was written by Father for me and I am just going to read it... and then you might understand: Bloemfontein, 18 Maart 2002 - hiermee verklaar ek, Vader Frans Claerhout dat sekere van my werke bekend as smeer wat Mevrou Rosa Jonker aan die handel verskaf het, in geen geval vervalsings of namaaksels is nie. Die tegniek deur my ontwikkel om kleur aan te bring op swart-op-wit tekeninge het deur my swak gesondheidstoestand te veel vir my alleen geword. Met my toestemming en leiding het Rosa Jonker gehelp om die kleurwerk verder te voer. Geen bedrog is hiermee gemoeid nie. Geteken: F Claerhout."

Derek: "Where do you get all the stock from?"

Rosa: "Being with Father for so many years, my parents, Frans and Klara van Hirtum were very, very close friends and mom bought a lot, mom got a lot..."

Derek: "But you have sold what, over a thousand?"

Rosa: "Yes, when dad died, we cleaned mom's house up and there was, I mean, under mattresses..."

Derek: "So, have you got thousands left still to sell?"

Rosa: "We have still got a few left to sell, yes."

Derek: "Thousands?"

Rosa: "Why thousands? No."

Derek: "Robert's advise is if it the painting looks like it has just come of the easel, it probably did."

Derek: "Rosa, this painting arrived, Bobby ordered it, his real name is Robert by the way, and the paint was still wet."

Rosa: "Where was the paint wet?"

Derek: "You can see here; it is actually smudged here and over there."

Rosa: "No, I don't see that the paint was still wet."

Derek: "It is fresh of the easel."

Rosa: "No, I don't think so."

Dr Scott: "This specific painting - the paint is still wet on it."

Derek: "That is a give-away, isn't it?"

Dr Scott: "Certainly, that is enough; one needn't even look at the style."

One painting Robert bought was painted on a Dala canvas. But Dala's Nikki Seddan said these weren't available in Claerhout's heyday. The attached letter of authenticity, written by Claerhout indicates that these paintings were pre-2003.

Nikki Seddan (Dala representative): "Well, the odd thing about it is that is has our Dala branding on it, so it cant be 2003, because we didn't have it in the country until 2006. And unfortunately the artist died in the June of 2006 and our first purchase was only in the November of 2006."

Derek: "Rosa, many people in the art world are very worried about these fake Claerhouts."

Rosa: "I should think so."

Derek: "The prices are going down of the originals."

Rosa: "Yes."

Derek: "Do you deny putting any fakes into the market?"

Rosa: "I do."

Derek: "And you are saying that these are original Claerhouts?"

Rosa: "Yes."

Derek: "Despite the fact that the canvas wasn't available?"

Rosa: "With that, you know, there can be slip-ups."

Derek: "Oh, so you are saying that there can be slip-ups?"

Rosa: "Not from my side, please, would you? Understand, if this is proven not to be, then I don't know. I really... But, this to me is such a classic Claerhout on the front."

Derek: "So, Rosa, we are getting somewhere. You are saying that this could be a fake, but this one is genuine?"

Rosa: "Oh that one is genuine, oh yes."

Derek: "And you are saying this one could be a fake because you are admitting that the Dala canvas only came out..."

Rosa: "I am not admitting, I don't know anything about Dala, okay?"

Derek: "Okay."

Alice: "You can see a copy from a mile, it is like if it is not done by Claerhout, it is not done by Claerhout."

West says: "This is exactly what I have warned investors of, by trying to by pass an art broker, like myself. The investors do need a specialist art advisor to give them advice on what to buy and what to pay for it. The normal reaction that I get is that the investors immediately think that I want there business and that I want to make money from them and that I do not want them to find the bargains out there. This is insane! I know what to buy and what to pay for it. This is why I have been in the art market for almost 8years. I have given ample advice for investors and had to resell the same works of art that I have sold to investors. This means that when a investor buy from John West Art Galleries, I guarantee them a 100% return on investment over a 5 year period! This further means that I have to make sure that the art I sell, is not fake other wise I will not be able to sell it again for double the price that I sold it to an investor previously. This sad moment for Father Claerhout's paintings will always stay as a reminder to trust the experts. Call West on 082 929 5124 and make sure that the Claerhout you have, is not a fake!"

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"Bosch's murder suspects set free!"

News24 - 2011-08-12 11:10

Pretoria - Six men accused of the murder of well known artist Cornelius Bosch were set free on Friday after charges against them were withdrawn in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court.

Magistrate Bernard Swart set the men free after prosecutor Hanna Conradie told the court that a decision had been taken by the Directorate of Public Prosecutions to withdraw the case against the six men.

The six accused were Schabir Mohammed, Abraham Rabie, Delgado Swartz, Llewellyn Lottering, Lee Maggie and Christoffel Potgieter.

Bosch was reported missing from his Kameeldrift home on February 24.

His charred remains were later found in the veld about 8km away. He was identified from dental records.

Conradie told the court that a formal inquest into the death and circumstances surrounding the death of the artist would be held at a later date.

Three of the men - Rabie, Lottering and Maggie will face charges of theft in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court.

After the decision was announced there were hugs and kisses amongst the accused and their family members.

After court proceedings Conradie said the inquest was called for because there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the men.

He said depending on the findings of the formal inquest it could still be possible that charges would be re-instituted against the six men.



Bosch, 75cm x 90cm, Blomme

Bosch, 75cm x 90cm, Landskap 2

Bosch, 75cm x 90cm, Landskap

West says: "I was shocked when I heard this newsflash over the Radio last week. Bosch's family and friends may now never have closure on this case. May this be a steardy eye opener in what terrible state our "beloved" Police force is. They do not solve most of the brutal crimes, aspecially the crimes on white people. This is very tragic because Bosch's killers are still out there. These may very well be the same men that murdered Art Dealer Gerhard Potgieter last week. The Police said that Art Dealer Gerhard Potgieter died after he was shot 3 times in the chest by "normal criminals" in a house brake in. Will Potgieter's family have closure on their beloved's death. Will the murderers go free, yet again? We need to pray for South Africa and the bad state of our Police Force! May God have mercy on us?"

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The following paintings are on a Newsletter Discount of 10%

Christiaan Nice 45cm x 60cm Hawe R65000-00

Hentie Meyer 45cm x 60cm Kaap R8500-00

Itai 40cm x 60cm elk Figure paar R3500-00 elk

Jean Abri 75cm x 100cm Sit en Wonder R25000-00

Rache Gerber 120cm x 80cm Seuntjie en Dogtertjie R8500-00

Student Art102cm x 141cm Figures stroling R6900-00

Student Art 102cm x 102cm Bote op die strand 2,

Student Art 53cm x 114cm Staight flowers
R2900-00 each

Student Art 86cm x 143cm Two Boats on the sea

Student Art 86cm x 143cm Three Boats on the sea R4900-00

Student Art 102cm x 102cm Bote op die strand

Student Art 102cm x R141cm Walking the dog

Student Art 112cm x 112cm Bos Tulpe R4900-00

Student Art 122cm x 122cm Tulips in a pot R6500-00

Student Art 142cm x 142cm Classical Rose R7500-00

Wakaba Motheki 60cm x 90cm Local Singers

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Boshoff klap weer na VSA in ‘Swat’-werke

Johan Myburg
Beeld: 2011-08-17 23:00

Willem Boshoff se uitstalling Swat begin vanaand in die Goodman-galery in Johannesburg.

Boshoff se laaste uitstalling in dié galery was in 2004 toe sy werk onder die titel Nonplussed vertoon is. Daarna het die Standard Bank-galery in Johannesburg in 2007 ’n oorsiguitstalling, Word Forms and Language Shapes, aangebied.

In 2009 het hy aan die Basel-kunsskou in Switserland deelgeneem toe hy as “druïde” vir die duur van die skou in ’n klein vertrek in die uitstalruim geleef en geslaap het. Iets van dié uitstalling, Big Druid in his Cubicle, het verlede jaar gestalte gekry toe Boshoff in Arts on Main in Johannesburg vir ’n maand in die Nirox-galery gewoon het.


Willem Boshoff Foto: Goodman-gallery

Boshoff het nog altyd ’n voorliefde vir woorde en speelse woordspelings in sy werk gehad. In Swat kom dié aspekte weer na vore in sy taksering van kapitalisme, globalisering, imperialisme en geïnstitusionaliseerde uitbuiting.
Die laaste paar jaar het Boshoff se werk toenemend agiterend geword – veral teen wêreldoorheersing en die Amerikaners se aandeel in dié fenomeen.

“Ek wil nie preek nie, maar ek was nog altyd uitgesproke oor onreg,” sê Boshoff. “Ek lewer kommentaar in my werk; soms venynige kommentaar.”

Oudergewoonte maak religieuse teks en relieke weer deel uit van sy visuele woordeskat.

Die VSA kom ook weer onder skoot in sy werk: In Crusade gebruik hy byvoorbeeld houtkruise van donker, Amerikaanse okkerneuthout om die woord te spel en lig dan die “USA” in “crusade” uit in die vorm van splinters.

“ ‘Crusade’ is een van daardie woorde wat nare goed oproep,” vertel Boshoff. “ Dit verwys na plunderaars wat net een ding voor oë het: wêreldoorheersing.”

Vandag se opening van die uitstalling sluit ’n performance-werk in. ’n Stuk met die titel Burning Bush sal ná die opening Burned Out Bush heet …

Boshoff se werk is wêreldwyd opgeneem in kunsmuseums. Hy het al deelgeneem aan verskeie biennales, onder meer dié in Havana, Sao Paolo en Venesië.

Die uitstalling in die Goodman-galery in Parkwood duur tot 24 September.

West says: "Ek en Willem Boshoff glo in baie opsigte in dieselfde dinge. Hy is alhoewel n pasiefis en ek nyg meer oor na n ribel. Ek sien dit asof hy waardes uitlig wat ek en u dan in kan volg. Hy praat teen Een Wêreld Orde en die VSA wat hulle neuse nie uit ander se sake, insluitend Suid-Afrika met die CIA se aktiewe hand in ons politiek ens, kan uithou nie. Hy is n baie duidelike stem en waardige kunstenaar. Ons het mekaar ontmoet met die "Woord Wolke" projek vir Hyde Park Shopping Centre. Ek't noudie dag weer in die sentrum n ietsie gaan eet en na sy werk gekyk. Merkwaardig! Sy Kuns beeld werklik die toestand van die dag uit. Ek kan u aanraai om Vrydagaand die 19de Augustus 2011, gerus na sy werke te gaan kyk en Willem Bosoff te ontmoet. Welgedaan Willem Boshoff!"

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Till Next time"

John West Hendriks-CEO of John West Art Galleries

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