May 2011 Art Newsletter

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John West Art Galleries

May 23, 2011, 3:04:57 PM5/23/11
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Newsletter- May 2011


West says: "Wow! Can you believe this. R10 million for a "forgotten" painting. Do you have a painting that you would like to be valuated? Call West now! You might have a painting in your closet or on your wall that is worth R10 000 000. John West Art Galleries has a free valuation service on investment art such as Pierneef, Irma Stern, Maggie Laubscher, Frans Oerder, Gerhard Sekoto, W. H. Coertzer, Hennie Niemann (senior and junior), Conrad Theys, Christiaan Nice, Adriaan Boshoff, Marie Vermeulen Breedt, Chris Tugwell, Andre de Beer, Jo Roos, Errol Boyley, Irmin Henkel, Claerhout, Portchie, etcetera.

Call 082 929 5124 or visit and fill in the "Free Valuation" form."

Jo Roos


West says: "Ek dink dat Jo Roos werklik een van Suid Afrika se meesters was. John West Art Galleries kan u werklik aanbeveel om Jo Roos se bronsbeelde en skilderye deel te maak van u versameling. Lank lewe die nalatenskap van Jo Roos! Ek is bly dat die ATKV vir Jo Roos ‘n eerbewys gee!"

John West Art Galleries op RSG 101 FM, Spektrum oor Willem Boshoff kunswerk in Hyde Park winkelsentrum.

West says: "Dit was n wonderlike geleentheid vir Willem Boshoff en John West Art Galleries! Ons is dankbaar teenoor ons Skepper vir die vryheid wat kuns vir ons gee om met mekaar en soveel ander kontak te maak. Ek het Willem ervaar as n inspirasie vir die teneergedrukdheid wat soms ontstaan weens al die geweld en korrupsie in Suid Afrika. Hy het Hyde Park winkelsentrum se "Sky Lights" opgehelder met sy kennis van kuns en woorde. Sy dogter, Karen het hom gehelp met die projek.

John West Art Galleries het verlede maand (April 2011) n volledige artikel hieroor gehad. RSG was so beïndruk met Willem Boshoff se werk dat hulle aangedring het op n onderhoud met hom. Willem was so gaaf dat ons dit met hom kon meemaak.. Suzanne by RSG was die vonk wat die onderhoud lewe gegee het! Dit was vir ons by John West Art Galleries n baie groot voorreg om saam met sulke groot name in die kunswêreld te werk. Ek hoop julle het die projek so baie geniet soos wat ons dit geniet het. Hou ons FaceBook dop vir die uitsaaitye en datums van die program!


Kuns groete."


“What to look for in Old Masters”

Series 2 of ...


"If we look at the influence that Frans Oerder had on J. H. Pierneef it sounds strange to have it called "copying" in modern times. Let me explain this. I saw a painting at the National Cultural History Museum that was most probably done by both Frans Oerder and Pierneef. How is this possible? one may ask. Well, it seems that the artists of the earlier years didn't have such and ego issue as our modern day artists have. They learned what they could from each other and then developed their own style of painting. We see that Pierneef used a lot of yellowish colors and a wider front view in some of his earlier works of art. This was because of the Frans Oerder influence.

Pierneef was now ready to develop his own style. He learned what he could from Frans Oerder and took a trip to Holland. I saw some Amsterdam paintings that Pierneef painted.  Pierneef's whole life took a turn. He started to paint differently after he had been divorced. Everything changed for Pierneef. He started to think very differently about his technique. His whole style of painting changed for ever. We could see that his geometrical technique started to develop in Holland. He started to work with much more flow. I guess if Pierneef's father had a look at his art at this stage, he would have been proud. Pierneef's father always wanted him to become an architect and here we could se why. We could see that he started to develop his favorite round circles and straight lines technique as part of his composure.

  Pierneef Amsterdam

  Pierneef Amsterdam

 Pierneef Amsterdam 1916

 Pierneef Amsterdam
It was after this new era in Holland that the Pierneef we loved came into "existence" in the former Southwest Africa or modern day Namibia. He started philosophying about his techniques. He really started to explore. He was now growing into the Pierneef we know very well. He used a lot of dark colors. He used a mixture of dark red, pink and purple. As Oom Jan Middeljans likes to put it "Here we se Pierneef at his best!"

Pierneef Namibie 1923

Pierneef Namibie
Pierneef took pictures and then painted these scenes as he saw them. "He used a small brush and pallet knife to paint these small strokes" stated Oom Jan. "Here Pierneef was just amazing!" exclaimed Oom Jan. This era in Pierneef’s career may be a good place to start should you wish to invest in Pierneef's art.

Pierneef remarried and went back to Holland in 1945, this time for their honeymoon. In was during this time that Pierneef started to paint landscapes that have early morning and late afternoon light to them. We also see his straight line painting technique appearing, especially after he was commissioned to do the "Stasie Panele".

Pierneef reguitlandskappe

Pierneef reguitlandskappe

Jacob Hendrik Pierneef then continued with his favorite landscapes with mountains, trees, veld and a home stead.

We must remember that an artist must live from selling his art. This reminds me of a visit I had to Corné Weideman. Corné said that he paints what people like. He does paint what is true and unique to his style and signature trade, but also that which sells. Collectors sometime get the idea that an artist prefers to be with his pallet knife or brush and canvas. Yes they do but if I may be a voice for our South African artists, I have to say that they also paint for the sake of making a living. Hereby I do not support mass production or sloppy work. I am simply stating the fact that artists have elaborated on scenes which have been tried and tested. This is exactly what happened with Pierneef. He wanted to become great. And Pierneef did become great with these scenes. "I believe that this J. H. Pierneef is the National Cultural History Museum’s best Pierneef if we consider all these elements" announced Oom Jan with proud.  



Oom Jan Middeljans

to be continued next newsletter!

Michael Heyns' book just released!!


West says: "My wife and I visited Michael Heyns on Saturday, 14 May of this year, at his home. He gave us a signed book which has the number 59/1000. What a great privilege for us. We believe that his paintings have tremendous investment value and that it will be worth your money to invest in his art. John West Art Galleries stocks original Michael Heyns paintings directly from his wet brush strokes. Order today and call us!"





The Bosch paintings below are from Cornelius Bosch who were murdered

in February 2011.  The court case will resume on 30 May 2011 and we ask everyone to pray that the culprits will be brought to justice.


Bosch 75cm x 90cm Landscape R35 000-00

Bosch 75cm x 90cm
Sunset Landscape R35 000-00

Bosch 110cm x 110cm
Industrial Cathedral R79000-00

Corne Weideman 40cm x 60cm
Cuca Shop R22000-00

Corne Weideman 40cm x 60cm
Landscape R22000-00

Portchie 85cm x 100cm Hopscotch R52000-00
 Bargain. Normally sells for R75000-00

We have purchased 6 new Student Art paintings which will be available on the website and Facebook from next week. The paintings are currently at the framers and they will be selling for less than R5000.00 each. 


ornelius Bosch Sculpture


Bosch Clay Master of Bosch Bronze Sculptures

West says: "John West Art Galleries are very chuffed to have been handling this rare sculpture of the late Cornelius Bosch. This is the master piece of all 18 of this range. The artist normally brakes this clay sculpture but this one hasn't been destroyed! One of a kind! It is from this one that all 18 of the others have been moulded to bronze. You can still se the marks on this cheek that are from the moulding and making of the other pieces. Wow, a master piece and true resemblance of the artistic hands of Cornelius Bosch!! This might look good in a specially made showroom of closet.

Call me on 082 929 5124 for more information." 


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e already have over 680 members on Facebook, and counting....

Our Facebook page is very popular and our members enjoy chatting with each other over art and other things.

Join us on Facebook to be the first to receive updates and the latest available paintings, news and exhibitions.

We have over 45000 subscribers to our monthly newsletter.

We have been buying and selling art since 2003. We provide our clients with a unique service with our mobile art gallery. This enables us to show you the paintings in the comfort of your own home or office. If you see the original paintings on your walls, you will make a better decision of what to buy. Your home will be better decorated at the end of the day.

We also do exhibits at functions, and National shows.

You can contact us for a FREE valuation of your paintings.

We do "Free Painting's Value Portfolio Setup" for insurance purposes.

We hope that you have picked up some new information that will help you in your choice of art for the year still ahead. Go now and visit and have a peek on what's changed on our  website!

Till Next time"

John West Hendriks-CEO of John West Art Galleries


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