Qmerty local but parallel execution

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Ranjan Kale

May 7, 2024, 4:41:31 AMMay 7
to qaf users
Hi All,

I was experimenting with the QAF-4.0.0-RC3.
Requirement - To run the test parallel on two devices Android and iPhone.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd"> <suite name="Mobile Test" parallel="tests" thread-count="2"> <test name="Android Chrome Test"> <parameter name="driver.name" value="appiumDriver"/> <parameter name="appium.additional.capabilities" value="{'browserName':'Chrome','deviceName':'R9PT70KS90A',platformName':'Android','platformVersion':'14','automationName':'uiautomator2','driverClass':'io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver'}"/> <classes> <class name="com.example.test.InitialTest"/> </classes> </test> <test name="iOS Safari Test"> <parameter name="driver.name" value="appiumDriver"/> <parameter name="appium.additional.capabilities" value="{'browserName':'Safari','deviceName':'iPhone 15 Pro Max',platformName':'iOS','platformVersion':'17.4','automationName':'xcuitest','driverClass':'io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver'}"/> <classes> <class name="com.example.test.InitialTest"/> </classes> </test> </suite> <!-- Suite -->
Upon executing the above suite file. It either run the test on android or on iphone. But not on both. What can be done to make it work ?


Jun 1, 2024, 1:39:06 PMJun 1
to qaf users
I am wondering, is it working for single device? i see there is there is typo in capabilities ,platformName': it's missing quotes!
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