Speakers for PyWeb on August 7 in Tel Aviv

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Gabor Szabo

Jul 29, 2024, 11:23:45 AMJul 29
to pywe...@googlegroups.com

I was a bit late starting to contact the potential speakers for the Aug 7 meeting and so we don't have confirmed speakers yet. Therefore I am looking for speakers for our in-person meeting on Aug 7 at MobileEye in Tel Aviv. https://www.meetup.com/pyweb-il/events/301896000/

If you'd like to give a presentation please open an issue with the title, description, length and a link to your linkedin or github profile at https://gitlab.com/hamakor/python.org.il/-/issues
Please do it ASAP so we can schedule and announce the event.


Gabor Szabo

Jul 30, 2024, 5:49:10 AMJul 30
to pywe...@googlegroups.com
Several people contacted me with presentations and thus we now have two presentations listed on the Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/pyweb-il/events/301896000/

As an experiment I'd also like to add 2-4 lightning talks. Presentations that are less than 5 min long each. It could be a short introduction about an open source project you work on,
or about a Python package you love. It could be the very first time you give a presentation.

Please open an issue here: https://gitlab.com/hamakor/python.org.il/-/issues with the title , a short description, a link to your LinkedIn and/or GitHub profile. Also mention it is a 5-min talk.


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