Wherever jews lived in the last few thousand years they created their own dialect of the local language. In some cases these became stand-alone languages.
The most well known one is Yiddish, the second, still relatively well known is Ladino.
However, in case you don't know, Ladino is the modern name of the language the Sephardic Jews, the descendants of the jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula in 1492-1496, spoke. Some of them speak till today.
Unfortunately, due to several factors, most prominently the assimilation efforts in Turkey, the Holocaust in Greece and the Balkan, and the Hebrewification in Israel (in order of time) caused that there are very few people under 50 who speak the language.
I think losing all these languages and with them a large chunk of the Jewish, and dare I say, worldwide culture, would be really sad.
That's why although I was born in Hungary and most likely none of my ancestors were Sephardic, I have been learning the language for some time.
Not only that, but I am also working on a project trying to help preserve the language and making it easier for others to use and learn it. I mostly do the technical part and get native Ladino speakers to help with the language part.
However, I need help.
If you are interested, here are a couple of things the project needs:
Technical help: (no Ladino knowledge is needed)
* Better design for the site
* Improve the way the dictionary works UI/UX
* Creating a spell-checker in Ladino based on the dictionary we have and integrating it to Firefox, Chrome, Libre Office, etc.
* Creating language games using the content we already have
* Creating teaching/learning tools using the content we have.
* ... I am sure you'll come up with many more ideas.
Language help:
If you know Ladino, or if any of your family members (or friends or neighbours) know Ladino we also need a lot of help with the following and more.
Yes, I know that these relatives might be 90 years old and might
not be up to date with today's technology, but you will be able to help
them bridge the gap.
* Translate words, translate sentences. (Ladino - Hebrew, English, Turkish, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek)
* Add more Ladino words and their translations.
* Example sentences showing how to use words.
* Sentences explaining the meaning of words.
* Audio recordings reading out the sentences and the individual words.
* Transcribe audio recordings
* ... probably many other things
The data is all in public GitHub repositories and is under Creative Commons license.