I recommend learning:
- Python 3.11, 3.12
- Django 4.1, 4.2
- JavaScript, jQuery (if you want to get into it)
- Python: learn all the basics, all data types, lists, sets, exceptions, try..except, loops, conditions, and everything related. And also the popular built-in modules. defaultdict. Everything a programmer needs to code in Python.
- Also, teach the students about Stack Overflow and how to use it: Questions, Answers, Reputation, and Bounties.
- Same with GitHub: Issues, Pull requests, GitHub Actions.
- Other websites you think are necessary.
- Ubuntu OS or other free/open source operating systems.
- Bash. How to use it and also how to write scripts.
- PyCharm.
- Using Git: branches, rebasing, pull requests, and the main branch.
Good luck!