Autumn Pytroll Contributors Week

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Raspaud Martin

Sep 16, 2022, 5:37:34 AM9/16/22
Dear all,

We are happy to announce the next Pytroll Contributor Week (PCW), which will take place from Monday 14 November to Friday 18 November 2022. At last, the meeting will be in person, and will be hosted by the HNMS in Athens, Greece. Participation is free of charge.

The PCW is for everyone who wants to learn and/or work with Pytroll modules. The event is tailored for people who are already familiar with Pytroll modules and want to learn more or contribute code or documentation. The interaction with the core developers makes it quicker to form a plan on how to solve an issue or add a new feature.

Over the years many users participated to learn about Pytroll, through installing modules from scratch and running through tutorials (for example, The in-person interaction with the core developers in the past made it easy to ask quick questions to clarify some points that may not be obvious when running the tutorial.

In order to give every participant the right permissions for the different tools we will be using and receive information about the venue, please register your attendance by November 1st by entering your details into this spreadsheet:

If you intend to work with improving Pytroll modules, please register issues, pull requests or notes on the issue board set up for the event at

This way we can follow the progress of everyone and form teams of related interests.

Please tell us if you can't access the board so that we can fix the permissions for you.

The agenda will be quite simple and involve hands-on work during the day and a round-table status meeting before we end the days. Presentations by participants are always welcome, so don't hesitate to prepare a few slides if you think you have something interesting to show.

For those who cannot be there in person, we will of course be online during the week and be able to chat on slack from time to time. This will however not be organised as a hybrid meeting, so we cannot guarantee a video stream of the status meetings for example.

Administration information regarding the venue and social event are going to be announced by HNMS at a later time.

We are excited to meet many of you in Athens between 14 November and 18 November. Please do not hesitate to share this announcement with anyone who you think might be interested.

Best regards,
Martin Raspaud (SMHI) on behalf of the PCW organizers

Raspaud Martin

Sep 28, 2022, 3:00:05 AM9/28/22
Dear all,

Do not forget to register your attendance if you plan on coming tot he

Attached you will find information about the venue and agenda, courtesy
of Lt Col Ioannis Matsangouras from the Hellenic National
Meteorological Service.

Best regards,
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