HUE and level

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George Farris

1 feb. 2016, 12:15:2701.02.2016
Hey David,

I like the idea of breaking CT, HUE, SAT etc out of the level command like
you mentioned before.  Would you be able to work with me on adding that at
some point?

I'm trying to debug a multilevel trigger command right now but whenever I
enable the global DEBUG my instance hangs, so it's down to "print"

I must say I love the flexibility of Pytomation though.  I'm all about not
touching a light switch, everything is automated with cheap X10 RF motion
sensors and wired contacts.  If you can't do it with the regular commands
the MainLoop saves the day. it's awesome.

I just need to find a way to use the ROOM occupancy system with a
motionless body in a chair:-)  Motion detectors don't pick up a static body
but I've heard of people using a slow moving fan blade in front of the


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