Get more traffic by submitting Articles

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anil vij

Apr 20, 2007, 1:57:18 AM4/20/07
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:57:18 -0500 (CDT)

Get more traffic by submitting Articles

Article submission is perhaps one of the best ways to give weight to your products and services on the Internet....that is, if done correctly, but like link exchange, it is also abused. But a fact is that Article Marketing is not about to die. It's alive and strong!

It has been noticed that a lot of authors are submitting articles for the wrong reasons. Authors are submitting "half baked" articles fueled by a "Page Rank" and "Back Link" craze, a very fruitless endeavor. Like in link exchange, the search engines have wisened up and are getting better at weeding out "spam." The same is the case with article submissions also.

It's essential and significant that you submit "quality" articles. A badly written article may generate you that back link that you so much desire, but the real purpose of submitting your article to an article marketing directory is to gain publishers who will willingly accept and publish your articles on their websites, blogs and newsletters; that's where the real traffic comes from. Publishers should "want" to publish your article...and they will not publish a poorly written and disguised article.

Submitting numerous short and messily written articles will do you no good. Also submitting the same article with a few modifications over and over is also not acceptable; duplicate content defeats the purpose of a directory.

An author needs to sit back, think and choose a good topic and come up with a unique article that is an effective marketing tool, an article that captivates the reader and makes them want to publish it, blog it, bookmark it, print and/or forward it to their friends.

Anything less is really a waste of time! In order to gain any toehold in the marketing arena with your articles, an author must make a sincere attempt to write immaculate articles.

You may need to remember the Quality rules to write a perfect article some of them is mentioned below!

As an author, your number one priority when writing an article is “uniqueness and quality." You must write powerfully and off course should always remember the purpose of writing the article. Your writing must be attractive and influential; otherwise it's not worth. Writing a few "very good articles" and submitting them to carefully selected high traffic article directories is more fruitful than software generating hundreds of articles revolving around one narrow topic.

Write good articles and let it come to you naturally....the search engines will reward you as bloggers and webmasters will post your articles on their sites, something they will only do if your writing is inspiring and relevant.

Look at your article as "Your Product" or "Your Service." A service or product that is not choreographed appropriately will almost always be rejected and will never be marked as high so keeping this concept will give you guidance to write proper and appropriate articles that will generate traffic infact we should say useful traffic.

In summary, Write on topics that mean something to you. Next your Plan should be clear originally structured and offshore interesting. The next important point is that your writing must be grammatically and syntactically correct. Ideally your article(s) should be between 700 to 1200 words long so that it normally fits the article submission sites rules.

There are plenty of writing samples and guides all over the internet. Look for them and use them. Visit article directories and read the articles within. Just take the idea and then create your own. Nobody is asking you to re-invent the "writing wheel," but it's of utmost importance that you keep side by side with what the top authors are doing.

Get feedback from your friends and colleagues. Two or more heads have always been better than one also asking them to recheck your article for spelling and grammar stuff.

Article marketing should be a win-win situation for directory owners and authors, therefore responsible directory owners should always guide their authors and help them improve their thinking for uniqueness, writing and submitting skills; such as digging up information for them and emailing it to them in the form of a weekly newsletter, a blog or a forum.

Additionally, directory owners should engage their authors in meaningful discussions on article writing and submitting and very important general marketing, as it is part and parcel of the cut throat Internet Marketing Game, a science that must be taken seriously.

Anil Vij specializes in Internet traffic generation through Articles and Links . For more information on how to increase your traffic by 400%! Visit Today.

anil vij

Apr 20, 2007, 1:57:20 AM4/20/07
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:57:20 -0500 (CDT)

anil vij

Apr 20, 2007, 1:57:22 AM4/20/07
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:57:22 -0500 (CDT)

anil vij

Apr 20, 2007, 1:58:40 AM4/20/07
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:58:39 -0500 (CDT)

anil vij

Apr 20, 2007, 1:58:48 AM4/20/07
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:58:48 -0500 (CDT)
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