ConfigObj 4.3.2

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Jun 4, 2006, 6:57:19 PM6/4/06

ConfigObj 4.3.2

emoticon:pda ConfigObj 4.3.2 has just been released.

You can download it from

This is a bugfix and minor feature enhancement release. There is a bugfix in unrepr mode, and exception handling has been improved.

The full changelog is :

Changed error handling, if parsing finds a single error then that error will be re-raised. That error will still have an errors and a config attribute. That means the error will be more comprehensible.

Fixed bug where 'n' terminated files could be truncated.

Bugfix in unrepr mode, it couldn't handle '#' in values. (Thanks to Philippe Normand for the report.)

As a consequence of this fix, ConfigObj doesn't now keep inline comments in unrepr mode. This is because the parser in the compiler package doesn't keep comments. Smile

Error messages are now more useful. They tell you the number of parsing errors and the line number of the first error. (In the case of multiple errors.)

Line numbers in exceptions now start at 1, not 0.

Errors in unrepr mode are now handled the same way as in the normal mode. The errors stored will be an UnreprError.

There is also a proposal to support PEP 292 string substitution (which is much better). This will be the target of the next release of ConfigObj.

Posted by Fuzzyman on 2006-06-04 23:27:46.
Categories: Python, Projects
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