十二月歲末月會 (Monthly Meeting of December)

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Keith Yang

Dec 14, 2017, 11:42:49 PM12/14/17
to Python TW
活動辦在 iCHEF 新辦公室樓下的【屋脊】,在【極地 POLAR】大樓 2F。場地有費用,每人收場地費新台幣 100 元。欲報名請於活動頁面右方 RSVP: Yes;報名後如因故無法到場請 RSVP: No 取消報名以利活動人數的評估。

活動地址為:台北市松山區敦化北路145巷12號 2樓


Talk: Testing a python app
I will present how we handle CI/CD at Sinitic (including integration testing with pytest, docker and gitlab)

Speaker: Sami
Previously System Engineer with 10yo managing Oracle & SAP systems, right now CTO @ Sinitic

Talk: Word2Vec With Friends
Recently I've been exploring the hype around Word2Vec and related algorithms, a powerful new technique in these last few years for creating word representations using neural networks. I'll talk about how you can use the Python gensim package, speculate about how you might be able to use it for textual applications and beyond, and talk about open/my problems :)

Speaker: jimmybot (James Lee / 李明璋)
Working independently on my own projects. Currently exploring:
- [NLP, AI] X Language Learning
- [Data, automation] X Tools for Startups
Previously worked on using data, big and small, to create data-powered products:
- Engineering manager for search & personalization at Teachers Pay Teachers
- Engineering manager for personalization at Etsy

Lightning Talks
- Follow up GraphQL and tox testing in iCHEF by Keith Yang, co-organizer, PyCon Taiwan 2018 Web team lead
- unittest.mock by John Lin, Meetup 主辦人
- 畫魔法陣學 matplotlib by 魏澤人, 花蓮.py 召集人
- Lightning tour of iCHEF office by Ming Cheng Ho, iCHEF co-founder

歡迎來給閃電題目 (Welcome to give a lightning talk!)
- 新用過的,覺得好用的 Python 套件
- 碰過的 Python bug
- 最近在學習/探索/研究/把玩/除錯的東西、興趣或工作

投稿辦法 Submit Proposal
請 Email 聯絡 ,或想辦法聯絡相關主辦/協辦人 timyellow (文昌)、Andy Dai ( 或 Keith Yang (。

投稿內容 Proposal Brief
下列項目中英文皆可 English and Chinese are both welcome
• 講者名稱與簡介 Speaker name and intro
• 講題名稱與簡介 Talk subject and intro

-- keith ")
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