It didn't start as PyCon India.
It started when a bunch of people, quite out of nowhere, met. It started with them talking and realizing something that they all loved. It started when these people started spreading that love by teaching, supporting and welcoming others into their hood - the community that they had created.
We are reaching out to you knowing that it is with the same passion, love and support that you're building the community that you're a part of.
We run the Community Partners Program every year as a part of PyCon India. The goal is to further strengthen and help grow the various communities around the country by remembering what it is that made us what we are today. The "we"s and "you"s are just in words. What matters is "us".
We aim for:
Collaboration: To support and help with organizing events as well as discussion of ideas for growth.
Outreach: To let you and the folks around you know about us and to let us and the folks around us know about you.
Diversity & Inclusion: To keep knowledge, help and humanity as our core principle - regardless of whoever you are and wherever you're from.
What you can expect from us:
Special discount coupons for a bunch of your community members.
A shout-out to your community in both the opening and closing speeches of the conference.
Your community logo on the official PyCon India website [0]
Access to Community Open Space to engage with the attendees.
What we expect from you:
Introduce PyCon India to your community both via your events and your social media channels.
Regularly share updates about the conference with your members.
Follow the conference's Code of Conduct at all times.
Sounds good? Then let's help each other out. Do fill out [1] and let us know.
[0][1] hope and love,
Ashok Tankala
On behalf of PyCon India 2024 Team