Fwd: Do you use Python..? (Of course you do...)

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Vicky Twomey-Lee

não lida,
22 de abr. de 2018, 14:23:5222/04/2018
para pythonie, pyladie...@googlegroups.com, con...@python.ie
Hi All,

Nicholas gave me permission to forward his email to you all, and it's a call to action to the Python community to donate to their PSF donation drive.

If you and/or company use Python, this would be a good way to help projects and other great initiatives supported by PSF.

BTW, he's over on the week of May 21st to 24th May, I'm trying to see if he can meet after 21st (as I'm not around that day). If anyone's interested, this will be an impromptu Irish Pythonistas meet Nicholas Tollervey evening at the pub. Want to talk about MicroPython and the micro:bit, then he's the one to poke and ask questions. Keep an eye out, I'll keep ye posted including via social media.

Also, check out his appearance and chat with Ladyada (from Adafruit) recently - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1wYvTRzM2c


/// Vicky

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicholas H.Tollervey <nt...@ntoll.org>
Date: Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 9:54 AM
Subject: [python-uk] Do you use Python..? (Of course you do...)
To: UK Python Users <pyth...@python.org>

Hi Folks,

Time for a guilt trip that can easily be countered by a small and
painless transaction (skip to the end for the link)... ;-)

Do you use Python? (Of course you do!)

It's cool to benefit from such a great ecosystem & related
infrastructure, right..?

As you're all aware, the Python Software Foundation (PSF) support this
community and pay the bills for quite a number of aspects of it (eg, who
pays for PyPI, core-Python sprints costs etc?). The PSF also gives away
most of its money as grants to community based events, educational
outreach, conferences (including PyCon UK) and development sprints to
groups from all over the world. As a member of the grants working group
I see the huge impact such support has for the continued flourishing of
Python the language and Python the community.

I'm sad (and a tad frustrated) to report that ONLY 52 PEOPLE HAVE
DONATED to the relatively modest $20k PSF donation drive.

* If you're someone who thinks, "I'd love to support the Python
community but I just don't have time to volunteer" -- then making a
small contribution via the site linked below is *how you fulfil your
desire to support*.

* If you're someone who works at a company who makes heavy use of Python
and its related infrastructure then please consider making a donation as
an individual (after all, your job relies on this community and its
efforts) and also encourage your managers to make a corporate donation.

* If you're someone who simply doesn't have the spare cash, that's fine!
But if you can encourage those in a position to contribute (such as your
employer perhaps?) that would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the link:


Thank you in advance for your support!

Best wishes,


python-uk mailing list


Vicky Twomey-Lee

não lida,
9 de mai. de 2018, 08:41:1309/05/2018
para pythonie, pyladie...@googlegroups.com, con...@python.ie
Hi All, plus a few BCC’d,

A wee update... 

Nicholas came back to me about meeting up on May 24th, and I thought to give ye a heads up and extend the invitation. I will put out the word on Twitter, FB when it’s confirmed with time and venue. He’s wrapping up training and staying out in Stillorgan, so will find somewhere so he can get to his Airbnb easily, possibly Against the Grain or Chaplin’s.

Some you might be interested about discussing Python & education as well as the micro:bit. I know I’ll be interested in it. 😬


/// Vicky

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