Referenced Mesh Not Updating Information

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Dilen Shah

Dec 5, 2016, 1:48:00 AM12/5/16
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya

Hey guys,

I have a problem with my referenced mesh in the scene. So this body mesh is referenced in my rig file and has deformers and skin cluster.
So now the model was updated with new vertex count and also UV's changed.

The reference file path is the same file path, in the pipeline the same file gets updated with new publish. But when I reopen the rig file, the model still has the previous information and not the new one. The only way I can get the new information is by clean up reference but then I lose all my skin cluster and deformer information.

Is there a way to update the model by refreshing the reference node? Or any python command that can do this or any method to achieve it through scripting?

I am using Maya 2017 at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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