pymel crashing maya.standalone

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Chad Vernon

Nov 12, 2015, 7:11:56 PM11/12/15
Anyone with experience using pymel and maya.standalone experience any Fatal Errors when the process ends?  I don't have any experience with pymel and am looking into running a setup in standalone mode.

import maya.standalone
print 'initialize maya'
print 'done initialize maya'
import pymel.core as pm
print 'done import pymel'
# pm.i_hate_you()

I've cleared my prefs, Maya.env, MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH, MAYA_MODULE_PATH, and PYTHONPATH variables to make sure there were no conflicts.  This is what happens:

C:\Users\cvernon\Documents\Development>"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\mayapy.exe"
initialize maya
done initialize maya
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : startup.mayaInit: called
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : startup.mayaInit: maya already started - exiting
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : Loading api cache...
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : Loading the API cache from u'C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2015\\Python\\lib\\site-packages\\pymel\\cache\\'
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : Loading the API-MEL bridge from 'C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2015\\Python\\lib\\site-packages\\pymel\\cache\\'
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : Initialized API Cache in in 0.22 sec
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : Loading cmd cache...
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : Loading the list of Maya commands from u'C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2015\\Python\\lib\\site-packages\\pymel\\cache\\'
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : Initialized Cmd Cache in in 0.13 sec
pymel.core.uitypes : DEBUG : could not determine node type for AETemplate
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : MFnDagNode.model is deprecated
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding pluginLoaded callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding pluginUnloaded callback
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : finalizing
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : initMEL
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: createPreferencesOptVars.mel
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: createGlobalOptVars.mel
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: C:/Users/cvernon/Documents/maya\2015-x64\prefs\userPrefs.mel
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: initialStartup.mel
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/startup/initialStartup.mel line 195: Y-axis is already the Up-axis
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: initialPlugins.mel
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: modelingToolkitExt
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: modelingToolkit
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: dx11Shader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: dx11Shader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: dx11Shader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: coneAngleToHotspotConverter
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: namedCommandSetup.mel
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: C:/Users/cvernon/Documents/maya\2015-x64\prefs\userNamedCommands.mel
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : running: C:/Users/cvernon/Documents/maya\2015-x64\prefs\pluginPrefs.mel
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: retargeterNodes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: CustomRigDefaultMappingNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: CustomRigRetargeterNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: mayaHIK
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: HIKComputeReference
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: HIKInitAxis
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKMatrixDecomposition
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikGetNodeCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKNodeName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikGetNodeIdFromName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKEffectorCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKEffectorName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikGetEffectorIdFromName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKChildCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKChildId
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetHIKParentId
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetFKIdFromEffectorId
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: LoadHIKCharacterDefinition
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: SaveHIKCharacterDefinition
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: LoadHIKCharacterState
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: LoadHIKEffectorSetState
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: LoadHIKPropertySetState
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: pushPinning
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: popPinning
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: isDescendentPulling
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: HIKUiControl
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GetProperty2StateAttrNameFromHIKEffectorId
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikBodyPart
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikManip
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikRigAlign
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikRigSync
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: ResetProperty2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: HIKGetRemoteCharacterList
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikCharacterToolWidget
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: hikCustomRigToolWidget
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKSolverNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKRetargeterNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKCharacterNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKSkeletonGeneratorNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKControlSetNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKEffectorFromCharacter
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKSK2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKFK2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKState2FK
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKState2SK
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKState2GlobalSK
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKEffector2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKState2Effector
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKProperty2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKPinning2State
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: ComputeGlobal
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: ComputeLocal
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: HIKCharacterStateClient
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: GamePipeline
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: GamePipeline
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: CloudImportExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: CloudImportExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: tiffFloatReader
Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
  Version : Feature Level 5.
  Adapter : AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series
  Vendor ID: 4098. Device ID : 26520
  Driver : aticfx64.dll:15.200.1062.1004.
  API : DirectX V.11.  Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
  Max tex coords : 32
  Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).
  Active stereo support available : 0
  GPU Memory Limit : 3072 MB.
  CPU Memory Limit: 31059 MB.
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: bifrostvisplugin
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: bifrostLiquidMaterial
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: bifrostShape
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: ikSpringSolver
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: ikSpringSolverRestPose
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: ikSpringSolverCallbacks
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: ikSpringSolver
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: ik2Bsolver
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: addIK2BsolverCallbacks
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: ik2Bsolver
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/plug-ins/xgen/scripts/igInitialize.mel line 63: ImportError: file <mayaconsole> line 1: No module named xgenm
Error: Unable to execute igInitialize.mel.
Unable to execute igInitialize.mel.Error: line 0: ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: No module named xgenm
Error: Unable to execute xgen.mel.
Unable to execute xgen.mel.pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: xgenToolkit
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmAddGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPreview
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmDraRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmFileRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPointRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmBakeGuideVertices
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSetActive
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmBindPatches
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmCopyDescription
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmMoveDescription
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSetGuideCVCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmExportToP3D
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmClumpMap
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmNullRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmMelRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmParticleRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPromoteRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmGuideRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSelectedPrims
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmDensityComp
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmGuideGeom
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSetArchiveSize
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmCurveToGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSyncPatchVisibility
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPolyToGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmRebuildCurve
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmWrapXGen
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPatchInfo
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmFindAttachment
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmInterpSetup
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPushOver
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmPoints
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: xgmSetAttr
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: geoUtils
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: muMessageAdd
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: muMessageDelete
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: muMessageQuery
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: igBrush
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: iGroom
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: igConvertToLogical
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: ptexBake
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: createPtexUV
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmPalette
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmDescription
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmPatch
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmMakeGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmGuideManip
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : could not create a PyNode for manipulator type xgmGuideManip
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmPointsManip
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : could not create a PyNode for manipulator type xgmPointsManip
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmConnectivity
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmPointsViewer
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmNurbsPatch
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmSubdPatch
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmArchiveGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmCardGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: createPtexUV
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmSphereGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: xgmSplineGuide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: igBrushManip
pymel.internal.factories : DEBUG : could not create a PyNode for manipulator type igBrushManip
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: igmDescription
AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.4 (built May  8 2014 13:47:10)
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: AbcExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: AbcExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: fbxmaya
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXResetImport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXResetExport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportOCMerge
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXPushSettings
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXPopSettings
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXLoadImportPresetFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXLoadExportPresetFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXLoadMBImportPresetFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXLoadMBExportPresetFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportShowUI
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportGenerateLog
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportMode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportMergeBackNullPivots
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportConvertDeformingNullsToJoint
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportHardEdges
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportUnlockNormals
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportProtectDrivenKeys
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportMergeAnimationLayers
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportResamplingRateSource
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportSetMayaFrameRate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportQuaternion
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportSetLockedAttribute
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportAxisConversionEnable
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportScaleFactor
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportUpAxis
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportAutoAxisEnable
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportForcedFileAxis
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportCacheFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportSkins
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportShapes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportCameras
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportLights
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportFillTimeline
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportConstraints
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportSkeletonDefinitionsAs
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportShowUI
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportGenerateLog
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportFileVersion
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportApplyConstantKeyReducer
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportQuaternion
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportSkins
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportShapes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportCameras
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportLights
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportInstances
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportReferencedContainersContent
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportReferencedAssetsContent
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportBakeComplexStart
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportBakeComplexEnd
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportBakeComplexStep
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportEmbeddedTextures
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportConvert2Tif
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportInAscii
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportBakeComplexAnimation
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportBakeResampleAnimation
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportUseSceneName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportAnimationOnly
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportSplitAnimationIntoTakes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportDeleteOriginalTakeOnSplitAnimation
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportHardEdges
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportTangents
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportSmoothMesh
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportSmoothingGroups
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportFinestSubdivLevel
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportInputConnections
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportConstraints
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportSkeletonDefinitions
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportCacheFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportQuickSelectSetAsCache
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportTriangulate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportColladaTriangulate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportColladaSingleMatrix
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportColladaFrameRate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXResamplingRate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXRead
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXClose
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeIndex
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeComment
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeLocalTimeSpan
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXGetTakeReferenceTimeSpan
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXImportConvertUnitString
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportConvertUnitString
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportAxisConversionMethod
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportUpAxis
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportScaleFactor
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXProperties
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXProperty
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXExportUseTmpFilePeripheral
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXUICallBack
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: FBXUIShowOptions
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: gameFbxExporter
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: gameExporter
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: gameFbxExporter
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: VectorRender
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: vectorize
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: vectorRenderGlobals
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: OpenEXRLoader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: Unfold3D
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: Unfold3D
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: Unfold3DUnfold
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: Unfold3DOptimize
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: mayaCharacterization
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: characterizationToolUICmd
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/muscle/cMuscle.mel line 112: UI commands can't be run in batch mode.
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: MayaMuscle
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleAbout
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleWeight
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleQuery
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleBindSticky
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleRelaxSetup
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleSplineBind
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleCache
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleWeightSave
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleWeightMirror
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleCompIndex
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleWeightDefault
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleSimulate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleRayIntersect
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: cMuscleWeightPrune
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleObject
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSystem
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleDirection
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleStretch
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleDisplay
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSpline
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSplineDeformer
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSurfAttach
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleShader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleKeepOut
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleDisplace
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleMultiCollide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleCreator
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleDebug
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSmartCollide
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleFalloff
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleSmartConstraint
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: cMuscleRelative
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: rotateHelper
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: rotateHelper
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: AutodeskPacketFile
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: apfEntityNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: apfFileNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: apfEntityNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: DirectConnect
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: matrixNodes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: decomposeMatrix
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: composeMatrix
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: inverseMatrix
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: transposeMatrix
AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.4 (built May  8 2014 13:47:10)
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: AbcImport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: AbcImport
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: AlembicNode
11 errors generated.
Error while processing C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\bifrost\db\presets\__rootincludeall__.h.
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: BifrostMain
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: gbGameCommand
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: bifrostCreateMayaView
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: gbLogManager
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: mw_vpe
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: ProcessEvents
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: mw_FloatingMaya
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: aminocompound
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: applicationcomplex
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: bifrostproject
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: autoLoader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: moduleDetectionLogic
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: gpuCache
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: gpuCache
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: gpuCache
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: sceneAssembly
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: adskRepresentation
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: assemblyDefinition
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: assemblyReference
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: adskPrepareRenderGlobals
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: Substance
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_SetEngine
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetEngine
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GoToMarketPlace
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_EditSubstance
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_SetGlobalTextureWidth
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetGlobalTextureWidth
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_SetGlobalTextureHeight
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetGlobalTextureHeight
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_SetEditionModeScale
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetEditionModeScale
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_IsSubstanceRelocalized
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetGraphsNamesFromSubstanceNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetPackageFullPathNameFromSubstanceNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetChannelsNamesFromSubstanceNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetAllInputsFromSubstanceNode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetEnumCount
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetEnumName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetEnumValue
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_AffectedByAllInputs
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_AffectTheseAttributes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetSubstanceBuildVersion
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_SetBakeFormat
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: sbs_GetBakeFormat
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: substance
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: substanceOutput
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: OneClick
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickExecute
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickMenuExecute
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickDispatch
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickGetState
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickSetCallback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickDisconnect
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickAcknowledge
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickAcknowledgeCallback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickMotionBuilderSendToCurrentScene
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickSetupMotionBuilderCharacterStream
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickFetchRemoteCharacter
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: OneClickGetContactingAppName
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: shaderFXPlugin
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: shaderfx
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: ShaderfxShader
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: StingrayPBS
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: bifrostshellnode
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding command: bifrost
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: bifrostContainer
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: bifrostAttrNotifier
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: ArubaTessellator
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/startup/autoLoadPlugin.mel line 46: ImportError: file C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/plug-ins/xgen/plug-ins/ line 9: No module named xgenm
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/startup/autoLoadPlugin.mel line 46: Failed to run file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/plug-ins/xgen/plug-ins/
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: xgenMR
pymel : ERROR : Failed to get controlCommand list from xgenMR
pymel : ERROR : Failed to get modelEditorCommand list from xgenMR
pymel : ERROR : Failed to get command list from xgenMR
pymel : ERROR : Failed to get constraintCommand list from xgenMR
pymel.core : ERROR : Failed to get depend nodes list from xgenMR
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/startup/autoLoadPlugin.mel line 46:  (xgenMR)
pymel.core : DEBUG : Plugin loaded: quatNodes
pymel.core : DEBUG : Running plugin-loaded nodes callback
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatToEuler
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: eulerToQuat
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatInvert
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatConjugate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatNegate
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatNormalize
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatAdd
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatSub
pymel.core : DEBUG : Adding node: quatProd
pymel.internal.startup : DEBUG : done running mel files
done import pymel
Fatal Error. Attempting to save in C:/Users/cvernon/AppData/Local/Temp/

Justin Israel

Nov 12, 2015, 8:10:37 PM11/12/15
Is it possible to use GDB to figure out what exactly is crashing? I don't use PyMEL either, but does PyMEL have any compiled bits that are conflicting with that version of Maya (or maybe its all pure py)? Maybe it has installed atexit hooks and is hitting a bad reference to something at shutdown. If all else fails and you simply need to work around it... you could use  "os._exit(0)" to do a hard exit that bypasses pythons atexit hooks.

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Paul Molodowitch

Nov 12, 2015, 9:09:08 PM11/12/15
Hmm... well, not sure I know exactly what's going on, because I can't reproduce your issue on my linux box, but we've seen some similar stuff before - basically, issues where when using mayapy + maya.standalone.initialize(), maya fails to clean up properly on exit, and segfaults.  It's an issue we've reported to autodesk before, since it messes up the return code, but I don't think it's high on their priority list to fix.

A few things to try:
  • instead of importing pymel, import maya.cmds, and do something that will trigger actual loading of some of the commands / libraries (maya.cmds uses some fancy delayed loading stuff), and populate the scene, and see if it still crashes on exit - ie:
    • import maya.cmds
    • maya.cmds.polyCube()
  • add these lines to your script:
    • import pymel.internal.startup
    • pymel.internal.startup.fixMayapy2011SegFault()  # we first encountered the problem in maya 2011, but it still happens as of 2015 at least...
Even if the first non-pymel test doesn't trigger the crash, my guess is it's still this same issue - it just may be a different library that triggers the issue (libOpenMayaFX, or OpenMayaRender, etc).  Pymel may import some of these to do some basic inspection stuff, which is why you see the crash on import of pymel.

Last thing you can try doing - instead of doing an explicit maya.standalone.initialize(), simply import pymel.core.  This will trigger maya.standalone.initialize() if it hasn't been done already, and also tries to run a startup sequence that more closely mirrors that of a normal gui maya session - for instance, come to think of it, I think it runs pluginPrefs.mel (which maya.standalone doesn't do) - so it could be a plugin that's causing problems. You can test that by executing that mel script yourself...


Paul Molodowitch

Nov 12, 2015, 9:14:53 PM11/12/15
On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:10 PM Justin Israel <> wrote:
Is it possible to use GDB to figure out what exactly is crashing? I don't use PyMEL either, but does PyMEL have any compiled bits that are conflicting with that version of Maya (or maybe its all pure py)?

There's nothing compiled, it's all pure python. It does have some cached data stores that it reads (which contain metadata about all the various commands), but that's it.
Maybe it has installed atexit hooks and is hitting a bad reference to something at shutdown. If all else fails and you simply need to work around it... you could use  "os._exit(0)" to do a hard exit that bypasses pythons atexit hooks.

By default, pymel doesn't install any atexit hooks.  The fixMayapy2011SegFault() workaround installs one, which basically just calls os._exit() as you suggested (except with some extra logic to attempt to return a meaningful exit code).

- Paul

Robert White

Nov 12, 2015, 10:46:08 PM11/12/15
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
So I've been running into this a lot with 2016. 

The fix I've been using is:
def crash_fix():
    import maya.cmds as cmds
    except AttributeError:

I usually throw that in either or, mostly so I don't need to think about it.

From what I remember when I tried to really dig into this, during shutdown maya is trying to run, but by the time it tries to run, the system seems to have unloaded whatever libraries that function is depending on. 
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Mahmoodreza Aarabi

Nov 13, 2015, 4:28:47 AM11/13/15
i had a problem before with importing pymel in maya (in windows) and it was related to C++ Redist, after i install all verions of C++ fom C++ 2005 to C++ 2013 the error is solved + dotnet framework
i hope it helps

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Chad Vernon

Nov 13, 2015, 1:29:37 PM11/13/15
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
I tracked it down to when pymel.internal.startup.initMEL sources a bunch of mel scripts.  One of those scripts is the pluginPrefs.mel file which loads a bunch of plugins.  When the sceneAssembly plugin is loaded, I get the fatal error on exit.  This causes the crash too:

import maya.standalone

import maya.mel
.mel.eval('evalDeferred("autoLoadPlugin(\\"\\", \\"sceneAssembly\\", \\"sceneAssembly\\")");')

Loading a bunch of plug-ins when you import pymel seems like a big unforeseen side effect to users.  Could that design decision be reconsidered?  I see you can skip that whole function by setting the PYMEL_SKIP_MEL_INIT environment variable

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Nov 14, 2015, 12:58:04 AM11/14/15
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
A test I was given a couple of weeks back required me to do a maya.standalone process with pymel , I was also running into a lot of crashes turns out that Pymel was complaining that a lot of the plugins didn't had pymel commands so pymel would refuses to import, resulting in the crashes. The only way I found to get around that was to unload the plugins before I start importing pymel.

The abc* exports, game* plugins and fbxmaya was the culprits for me. I didn't had this problem doing the same thing on macs in my company, seems to be a windows maya issue. 

Paul Molodowitch

Nov 30, 2015, 4:43:28 PM11/30/15
Sorry for the delayed response, just got back from vacation... anyway:

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:29 AM Chad Vernon <> wrote:
I tracked it down to when pymel.internal.startup.initMEL sources a bunch of mel scripts.  One of those scripts is the pluginPrefs.mel file which loads a bunch of plugins.  When the sceneAssembly plugin is loaded, I get the fatal error on exit.  This causes the crash too:

import maya.standalone

import maya.mel
.mel.eval('evalDeferred("autoLoadPlugin(\\"\\", \\"sceneAssembly\\", \\"sceneAssembly\\")");')

Yeah, pymel is trying to more closely mirror the initialization process that maya "normally" goes through - and by normally, I mean not just gui maya, but also "maya -batch" and  "maya -prompt"... even Render.  This means reading / using the user prefs, including pluginPrefs.mel.
Loading a bunch of plug-ins when you import pymel seems like a big unforeseen side effect to users.  Could that design decision be reconsidered?  I see you can skip that whole function by setting the PYMEL_SKIP_MEL_INIT environment variable

I can see your point - but you could also make the case that ignoring the normal startup procedures / user prefs is an unforeseen side effect to using maya.standalone.initialize.  At at the end of the day, though, it's probably just an academic issue anyway, because I think it's too late to go back on this.  Many people are going to be relying on pymel's initialization behavior by now.  Hopefully using PYMEL_SKIP_MEL_INIT should provide enough customizability for situations where this isn't desired.  (For this situation, you can also edit the pluginPrefs.mel, of course.)

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May 10, 2016, 9:24:02 PM5/10/16
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
I discovered this thread after my mayapy testrunner started segfaulting if a test module had "from pymel.core import *".

Thanks Chad for the research - setting $PYMEL_SKIP_MEL_INIT in my testrunner works well.
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