inMesh plug being written incorrectly

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vince touache

Apr 6, 2024, 6:24:29 PMApr 6
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya

I'm fighting against what seems to be a bug, I'd like to know if anyone else faced the same thing before

Custom node, with a mesh attribute (MFnMeshData::kMesh), storable. 
I connect a mesh plug to it in maya, refresh, disconnect, and save as *.ma
If I open my scene with a text editor, I get the right information into the mesh attribute, that is, vertices, edges, etc.... I also get other keys that I don't know: "left", "bottom", "right", and I have no idea what they do. 

Now my problem is that some of my custom nodes, when I save, get written incorrectly. Therefore, when I re-open my scene, maya fails to set my mesh attribute back to what it was when I saved. Specifically, with a correct file, I have something like
    setAttr "myAttributeName" [...]
        "left" 0
        "bottom" 0
and with a corrupted file, I just have the key, and no value: 
    setAttr "myAttributeName" [...]

So from there, I have 2 questions:
  • what on earth are those "left" "bottom" "right" ... keys/values inside a mesh attribute and what are they used for?
  • what could cause maya to not write my mesh attribute correctly when I save my scene?
The problem seems to exist only with *.ma, not *.mb

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you
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