pipeline TD job application

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Juan Cristóbal Quesada

Jun 10, 2024, 6:20:32 AMJun 10
to python_in...@googlegroups.com
Apologies if this is not the right place.

I am a Senior Pipeline Developer from Madrid, Spain, looking for job in Europe and as a WFH modality, though relocation may be at some point possible.

i would be delighted to discuss job opportunities.

Again, if this is not the right place, excuse me. 

Is there any mailing list for this kind of job application mail?

Thanks in Advance,

Justin Israel

Jun 10, 2024, 6:39:22 AMJun 10
to python_in...@googlegroups.com
I would say it's uncommon to ask for job opportunities on this particular list since I don't recall seeing anyone else doing it in the paat. That being said, we have had postings from recruiters for relevant opportunities to Maya, Python, or Pipeline dev. Overall we don't see a lot of hiring-related posts here. 

You are maybe better off setting yourself to "open to work" on LinkedIn and seeing what is posted around there? 

Others are free to respond with link suggestions. 

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Jul 7, 2024, 3:05:42 PMJul 7
to python_in...@googlegroups.com
Hello Justin , 
My I send you PM somehow to ask about something ?

Thanks in advance

Justin Israel

Jul 7, 2024, 3:33:38 PMJul 7
to python_in...@googlegroups.com

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024, 7:05 AM sns <in...@squashnstretch.net> wrote:
Hello Justin , 
My I send you PM somehow to ask about something ?

Thanks in advance

Sure. Go for it. 

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