Dragging items from QTableView to QTreeView and showing the user the drop item

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Sep 30, 2023, 1:04:51 PM9/30/23
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hello all,

So I am having a bit of trouble with a part of my project, basically I have a QTableView showing data for the users files and a QTreeView showing the file structure.

The app allows you to move files around inside the QTreeView and I need to allow the user to also drag files from the TableView into a location in the TreeView also.

During the drag operation on each view I set custom mime data to indicate a tree item is dragged or a table item is dragged so I know which is which.

During the drag operation in the tree, the default behaviour gives a nice little box around each item as you hover over them and also a line inbetween. I would like to replicate this behaviour when you drag table items over to the treeview.

I have managed to do something similar using a QTreeWidget by using the "setCurrentItem(item)" on the item you are hovering over which is kinda close. Note that I cant use setCurrentIndex in QTreeView because I need the indices not to be selected as you are dragging around.

Finding out which index you are hovering over in the QTreeView is not a problem, what I cant figure out is how to put the little highlight box around the index as you hover over them. I read a bit on overriding the paint events but I have never dived into these events before so any help would be appreciated.

QTreeWidget example drag move event:
def dragMoveEvent(self, event):
    item = self.itemAt(event.pos())
    if item:

QTreeView example drag move event:
def dragMoveEvent(self, event):
    mime = event.mimeData()
    if mime.hasFormat(cfg.mime_dbview_data):
        item_idx = self.indexAt(event.pos())
    if item_idx:
    super(Tree_Browser_View, self).dragMoveEvent(event)

// Ben

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