Maya API: get an objectSet used for filtering objects on camera

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Serge Scherbakov

Jul 11, 2017, 5:19:42 AM7/11/17
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hello everybody,

When you press Show->Isolate Selected->View Selected Maya creates a set "modelPanelXViewSelectedSet" and use it for filtering objects in a corresponding viewport.
I can get a list of objects using M3dView::filteredObjectList() but can't find a good way how to add an object into this set. Actually, I can't find a link between M3dView and objectSet created to filter objects.

I could compare objects in selection list from M3dView::filteredObjectList() with objects in each set in the scene to find what I need, but it's not an option since I need to call it MPxDrawOverride::prepareForDraw()

Any ideas?

Best Regards,

Sergei Shcherbakov
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