Meetup Thursday April 13th, 2017 - Python/Django Workshop

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Matt Goodall

Apr 6, 2017, 4:32:49 PM4/6/17
Hi all,

As promised, here's the announcement for April's meetup …

James Wilson has kindly volunteered to give an overview of a Django app
he's been working on recently:

  A web app to manage case notes and tasks for a number of NUT officers,
  some of whom are "not good with computers." Needs to:

  - Be simple and easy to use
  - Let certain users see and edit other people's cases

We'll then use James' app as the basis for a Python/Django workshop.

For anyone wanting to do some homework, the project's source code is hosted

Date and Time

Thursday 13th April, starting at 7.30pm.

We will finish at about 9:00pm, and will be going to `The White Swan`_ pub


We will be meeting at `Futurelabs`_.

| Futurelabs
| 1 Eastgate
| Leeds
| LS2 7LY

From the Futurelabs web site: "If you’re walking, we’re 50 yards from the
back entrance of the Victoria Quarter. Simply look left, walk to the
crossroads and we’re in the building on the opposite corner (above the Gas
Showrooms). Take the door to the left of the Gas Showrooms and our
Reception is on the second floor."

Matt Goodall

Apr 13, 2017, 10:56:38 AM4/13/17

Hi all,

Futurelabs currently have to use the backdoor on Lady Lane after 6pm. There will be a number to call on the door anyway.

- Matt

Apr 21, 2017, 3:37:02 PM4/21/17
to Python Yorkshire-Humberside
I've just got back from a conference in Cardiff - I'd just like to say thank you for everyone who helped me with the Django, it was much less scary talking about my app than I feared, and the help I got was both useful and empowering!
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