Next Meeting: Mobile Python Dojo - Thursday May 9th 2019

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Tony Simpson

Apr 25, 2019, 2:11:38 PM4/25/19
Hi All,

Next Meeting:

Mobile Python Dojo

Thursday May 9, 2019

About the meeting

This month we're meeting at Sky's offices in Leeds Dock. Doors will open at 6:30. The meeting will be in Sky 2.

Code Dojo: Mobile Python

Mobile devices are an exciting platform, but can we develop for them with Python?

This months WYPy will be a coding session exploring ways to create mobile applications using Python. We will have a look at Kivy and BeeWare and then work in teams to try making some simple apps, learn and have fun doing it.


  • Introduction and Ideas Discussion - 10 mins
  • Coding - 60 to 90 mins
  • Review - 20 mins


Bring a laptop if you want to code or you can collaborate with others. Android or IPhones in development mode and connecting cables might also be useful.

Date and Time

Thursday 9th May, from 6:30 pm. Start around 7:00 pm. Pub afterwards.


You will need to sign in at Sky 2 reception.

Sky 2
Leeds Dock
LS10 1QE
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