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Mark Pybus

Sep 19, 2017, 7:06:12 AM9/19/17
to Python Yorkshire-Humberside

I've changed jobs recently to 'Head of Technology' at the DataShed, based in Leeds just around the corner from FutureLabs. Previously I had a similar role in the data tribe at Sky Bet so I've retained my data focus but somethings have changed, not least of which is a new focus on Python for me

I love the Yorkshire Tech Community (my head is still hurting from Agile Yorkshire's beers last night though) so I was happy to find this group but disappointed that I've just missed a meet-up. Next time! I'm encouraging my team to get involved as well, certainly attending but given the interesting data projects we do with Python I might even get 1 or 2 to speak in future as well.

Meanwhile this is just an introduction.


Simon Davy

Sep 21, 2017, 10:44:01 AM9/21/17
Hi Mark, and welcome!

The next session should be on the 12th of October, when should have Lorna Jane giving us a preview of her PyCon UK talks :)

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Lorna Mitchell

Sep 21, 2017, 4:28:08 PM9/21/17
to Python Yorkshire-Humberside
Ahem. Lorna will be giving her talk. Singular. Unless you are all desperate for both? They are only 30 minute slots after all so totally achievable! I was planning to bring "PostgreSQL: beyond the basics" to check I'm not embarrassing myself. You're very welcome to see "Fun with Serverless Python Apps" as well if that would please you :) Has a demo where the risks outweigh the benefit of the thing...

Mark Pybus

Sep 22, 2017, 7:21:57 AM9/22/17
to Python Yorkshire-Humberside
Hi, Lorna, 
if it's a vote I fancy the serverless python one...

Simon Davy

Sep 23, 2017, 11:40:53 AM9/23/17
On 21 September 2017 at 21:28, Lorna Mitchell <> wrote:
Ahem. Lorna will be giving her talk. Singular. Unless you are all desperate for both? They are only 30 minute slots after all so totally achievable! I was planning to bring "PostgreSQL: beyond the basics" to check I'm not embarrassing myself. You're very welcome to see "Fun with Serverless Python Apps" as well if that would please you :)  Has a demo where the risks outweigh the benefit of the thing...

Hah, wasn't sure so hedged :)

Either or both is good from my POV, but the goal was to give you practice session, so you get to pick :)

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