Further development of my (year 10 and computer mad) grandson in Python and similar

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May 28, 2019, 4:04:57 AM5/28/19
to Python Yorkshire-Humberside
Dear all
I would love to assist my grandson in the pursuit of his passion of python and similar coding techniques as he appears to have a talent for.
possibly to join a club working over the internet or regular meetings and/ or find a company who could assist by work experience or by meeting him and give some practical career guidance.
This subject is not within my own range of skills so I am asking for help.

Many thanks for any advice or guidance offered
Jim Jackson

Simon Davy

May 28, 2019, 4:30:54 AM5/28/19
to python-yo...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jim

It's great that your grandson is so keen, and that you are looking to help him!

Can I ask - how old is your grandson? What kind of python programming has he done so far? Does he know any other programming languages?

Depending on his age, there might be different options available to him to pursue.


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