new release out: 0.2.0

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Peter Reutemann

Feb 20, 2021, 5:04:27 PM2/20/21
to python-weka-wrapper
Hi everyone

I've just pushed out a new release: 0.2.0
  • classes.new_instance method can take an options list now as well
  • added classes.get_enum method to return the instance of a Java enum item
  • added classes.new_instance method to create new instance of Java class
  • added typeconv.jstring_list_to_string_list method to convert a java.util.List containing strings into a Python list
  • added typeconv.jdouble_to_float method to convert a java.lang.Double to a Python float
  • in module typeconv renamed methods: string_array_to_list to jstring_array_to_list, string_list_to_array to string_list_to_jarray, double_matrix_to_ndarray to jdouble_matrix_to_ndarray, enumeration_to_list to jenumeration_to_list, double_to_float to float_to_jfloat
  • added weka.timeseries module that wraps the timeseriesForecasting Weka package
The timeseries support is still very fresh (written over the last few days), so expect some bugs. ;-)

Cheers, Peter
Peter Reutemann
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waikato, NZ
+64 (7) 577-5304
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