weka package not recognized (python-weka-wrapper) in Jupyter Notebook

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Rod Fontecilla

Dec 14, 2017, 4:10:16 PM12/14/17
to python-weka-wrapper

I run on MAC/OS, Python 3.6.3, Anaconda 1.6.9 with Jupiter notebook 5.0. 

I was successful installing both javabridge and python-weak-wrapper:

Successfully installed javabridge-1.0.15 python-weka-wrapper3-0.1.3

However when I go to the notebook and type:

import weka.core.jvm as jvm

I get the error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'weka'

Any suggestions please? Thank you. 

I can run weka gui perfectly, but would like to run the classifiers within the notebook. 


Peter Reutemann

Dec 14, 2017, 4:19:34 PM12/14/17
to python-weka-wrapper
Sorry, but I don't use notebooks at all. Using pww within a notebook
would be problematic anyway, as you can start up the JVM in a running
process only once. After that you'd have to restart the process (ie
your jupyter notebook process).

Have you confirmed that you can run pww from your anaconda environment?

Why don't you just use simple scripts in conjunction with virtual
environments? Personally, I use the PyCharm IDE for development.

Cheers, Peter
Peter Reutemann
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waikato, NZ
+64 (7) 858-5174

Mohd Faisal

Apr 26, 2018, 3:21:07 PM4/26/18
to python-weka-wrapper
If you have installed everything in another conda environment first activate that environment before running Jupyter
>>source activate env_name
>>jupyter notebook
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