Nybörjare i Python

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Peter Thörn

Feb 5, 2018, 7:57:41 AM2/5/18
to Stockholm Python User Group

Har precis börjat med Python och funderar på följande uppgift...nån som kan hjälpa mig?

Mvh Peter

Listen to our story: a boy and his father, a computer programmer, are playing with wooden blocks. They are building a pyramid. Their pyramid is a bit weird, as it is actually a pyramid-shaped wall - it's flat. The pyramid is stacked according to one simple principle: each lower layer contains one block more than the layer above.

The figure illustrates the rule used by the builders.

Your task is to write a program which reads the number of blocks the builders have, and outputs the height of the pyramid that can be built using these blocks.

Note: the height is measured by the number of fully completed layers - if the builders don't have a sufficient number of blocks and cannot complete the next layer, they finish their work immediately.

Början på kod

blocks = int(input("Enter number of blocks: "))

while blocks 

else hight = 3

print("Height of the pyramid:",height)

Javier Ubillos

Feb 5, 2018, 8:31:38 AM2/5/18
to python-s...@googlegroups.com
Det låter som att någon fått en hemuppgift :)

Du kan ju räkna ut hur många block som finns i varje lager.
E.g. "lager 1" = 1
lager 2 = 2


Så, du kan subtrahera antalet använda blocks från input:en .

t.ex. input: 8
lager 1: totalt -1 
lager 2: totalt -3
lager 3: totalt -6
lager 4: totalt -10 (oj!   8 - 10 < 0, det går ju inte, rätt svar ligger i förra 'lagret')

Lyckatill med uppgiften!

// Javier

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