Associate one social profile with multiple (django-) users

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Jul 7, 2016, 5:53:00 AM7/7/16
to python-social-auth
Hi all,

for a current project we need the option to associate one social profile (e.g. Facebook account) with multiple (Django-) users.

From a quick glance at the code I assume that it isn't easily doable out of the box as the `UserSocialAuth` model has a FK to the user model (

So the options I see is that we would either have to override the `UserAuthModel` to allow assigning multiple users
or we need to allow the creation multiple UserAuthModels per UID and Provider which is prevented by a unique_together constraint per default (

Both options seem rather hacky and will probably lead to further problems down the road.

Do I miss an easier way to achieve what we want? Or is this a task that's rather out of python-social-auth's standard scope/use case?


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