Tue 27 Nov 2018 06:30pm to Tue 27 Nov 2018 08:30pm
Python Sheffield is back for the final Python event of the year.
This is mainly an excuse to have fun and so, in name at least, we are going to have a code dojo.
Code dojos are normally sessions to practice of programming skills, where this group would obviously focus on Python related skill. This may actually happen (the group itself will decide) but the emphasis for this month should be even more about having fun than normal.
In the name of fun, we will also have access to a number of micro:bits for this event.
For more general information on coding dojos, see here: https://ift.tt/1KLWXU0
The usual list of links for interesting problems is below:
* There are some lists of potentially interesting problems from here: https://ift.tt/2gfa7TL
* We could look at https://ift.tt/Y95fAy
The usual schedule for PySheff dojos is generally something like this:
17:45 - 18:15: Informally, a number of us are likely to be at StreetFoodChef for burritos. While these are not provided as part of attending, anyone is welcome to join us.
18:30 - 18:45: Socialising time at UnionSt.
18:45 - 19:00: Suggestions for topics generated and topic chosen.
19:00 - 20:20: Split into groups and work on the topic.
20:20 - 20:30: Show and tell and discussion.
20:30 - late: Migrate to a local pub for post event drinks. This is often the Rutland Arms but will be another thing decided by the group at the event. Please note that this part of the evening may not be suitable for any children to join in with but you can blame that on the attendees.
Attendance is free and the event is intended to be suitable for all levels of python experience. If you'd like to attend this meeting, it is advisable to bring a laptop. Any under 18s who wish to attend must be accompanied by an adult, preferably also with an interest in Python.
More details at https://opentechcalendar.co.uk/event/7710-python-sheffield
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