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Python Sheffield: micro:bit and hardware project evening, Tue 30 Oct

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Oct 21, 2018, 2:44:10 PM10/21/18

Tue 30 Oct 2018 06:30pm to Tue 30 Oct 2018 08:30pm
Please note that this event is ticketed as previous similar events have proved to be reasonably popular. Tickets are free but donations to our hosts, Union St., will be welcome on the day. The link for the ticket page is here:

The micro:bit and hardware project evenings are intended to be an opportunity to have fun playing with programming hardware. You will be encouraged to pair or team up with others and see what you can make. If you are a newcomer to python, you will be learning by experimentation rather than through a formal tutorial. There are expected to be a number of people with enough knowledge of python around to help those who get stuck.

Please note that we do rely on a proportion of the attendees to bring along laptops with which to program the micro:bits.

There will be some micro:bits available to play with over the evening although you can bring your own. Attendees are also encouraged to bring along any hardware projects they want to show off and they can work on these (and if they want allow others to help.)

Please remember to be sensible about the dimensions of projects that you bring along; avoid those that draw a significant amount of power (high voltage/current) and obviously, no projectiles or things that could be considered as weapons. This is not meant to be robot wars! If there is anything of this nature you want to show off, it may be possible to show videos of your creations instead.

As a rough guide, this is how the evening my be expected to unfold:

17:45 - 18:15: Informally, a number of us are likely to be at the StreetFoodChef on Arundel Street for burritos. While these are not provided as part of attending, anyone is welcome to join us.
18:30 - 18:40: Meeting starts with some time for announcements and usually some chatter.
18:40 - 20:20: Split into groups to play with projects
20:20 - 20:30: Quick show and tell to see what people have created.
20:30 - onwards: A number of us are likely to migrate to the Rutland Arms for post event discussions.

Attendance if free and the event is intended to be suitable for people of all levels of python experience.

Any under 18s who wish to attend must be accompanied by an adult, hopefully one who is interested in being at the event.
More details at

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Oct 23, 2018, 2:51:08 PM10/23/18
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