2021 PyNW Sessions

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Adam Shackleton

Jan 24, 2021, 4:09:56 PM1/24/21
to python-n...@googlegroups.com

Hi Everyone!

We're getting our sessions for 2021 organised and are looking for people willing to contribute either with a talk or leading a workshop. We've compiled a list of potential topics that we think would be of interest to the group, if you or anyone you know could give a 15-60 minute talk on one of these, or one of your own ideas, sometime in 2021 please get in touch either via Meetup message or by filling in the form on pynw.org

If you like the idea of giving a talk, but have never done it before, get in touch! We're happy to help either with advice, support, or giving feedback ahead of the session.

Python Specific

  • Python Data models and design patterns
  • Getting a job in Python
  • Moving from Excel to Python
  • Developing a Python package
  • Dask for scalable analytics
  • Dash Python web apps

More general topics that could have a Python slant

  • What is "good" code
  • Agile Techniques / Methodologies
  • CI/CD & DevOps
  • Understanding Git
  • Graph Databases
  • NoSQL Databases

Workshop ideas

  • TDD
  • Refactoring
  • Kaggle data analysis challenges

One final thing, if there's a topic you'd be interested in hearing a talk / seeing a workshop on, but you aren't the person to do it, let us know what it is and we can add it to the list for future ideas.

Thank you for reading

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