Mass Effect 2 Hair

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Antonette Hespe

Dec 23, 2023, 4:52:26 AM12/23/23
to Python-MIP

More Hair for Femshep brings to the Legendary Edition Sims 4 Hairs created by Anto and originally ported by Kittentails to the original Mass Effect 3. Players who want to use them will need to use the Trilogy Savegame Editor to change their Shepard's hair as for the moment it is not possible to include them on the Character Creator.

Original meshes and textures by Anto -of-use
Original port to Mass Effect 3 format by Kittentails
Legendary Edition conversion by me, Khaar Machinima.

mass effect 2 hair

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Ok sure, the animals on earth probably have hair in Mass Effect too, but did we ever see any aliens with hair? No hair on Asari or Salarians or Turians or Krogan or Elcor or Hanar or even Varren. Do Quarians have hair under their suits? Why did no other species evolve to have hair?

I just started MELE1 with my Shepard who has blond hair. But it always looks grey or dark grey, even in the level up menu. So far I only found two places where her hair color appears normal (Infront of the fountain in the Citadel Tower and on Therum). First I thought it might be an lightning issue, but I also found a clearly blond NPC in the Citadel and standing next to her in the same light Shepards hair still looks grey. I'm really confused what the issue is and if there is even something I can personally do to fix it?
I hope that this will get fixed or that I can do something about it in any way, it's really straching on my enjoyment a little bit right now. I'm really attached to my Shep and I don't want to change her.

There is not really a blond option in the Character Creator, all hair in the MELE is more or less gray inside the first options that resemble Blond the most.
The transparency of Sheps hair, if you use the gray options, is another problem, the hair tend to change colour under certain lightning conditions.

This will give you a better colour in many places, but the transparency problem is still there, so it is not perfect.
For that you might check out the different hair mods on the Nexus, but I don't know if they actually address this problem, did not used any of them.

In addition to expanded options for hair and eye color, makeup, and face shape and structure, developers focused more extensively on adding options for designing Shepard as a person of color. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition includes more skin tones, many of which have warm and cool undertones, and improved hairstyles. During the preview, Meek said the options for hairstyles and skin tones "just weren't wide enough, originally, to support the diversity of our player base or to be able to give fans the ability to create that Shepherd that they really wanted to play as." In the remaster, players can better represent themselves in their character and design the Shepard that most resonates with them.

The hairstyles in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition also have better, more realistic textures, and BioWare eliminated the intense shine from many of the original models. New hair colors include more unnatural, dyed options like those in Mass Effect: Andromeda, with Shepard now able to sport just about any color of the rainbow. For male Shepard, there even appears to be a few improvements to make facial hair look more realistic, though few of these have been demonstrated in official previews.

The voting results were kept, however, and the chosen female Shepard went on to be the series norm, albeit with red hair instead of blonde. Still, the canonical default's availability across the series and in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition's marketing signals an acknowledgement of female Shepard's importance. Between this and the expanded choices to represent an even more diverse demographic of gamers, players have more opportunities to see themselves as part of the adventure.

I've not been paying enough attention, but I don't remember the Facebook vote for what the Female Shepard should look like being in multiple stages. Perhaps it always was, or perhaps it was a reaction to the phenomenon of this article by Kim Richards, but either way the process is now extended to include a choice for Shepard's hair colour. Yes, it really has come to this. It's interesting to note that the blonde hair that was thought to have motivated much of the first round win is currently very far behind. I'm very pleased to report that red hair is currently far ahead, with black hair in second place, far ahead of blonde and brown. (Now I'm just going to build a fort around me to protect myself from my blonde fiancée.)

There's still an individual character creator for each Mass Effect game, but the hairstyles and Shepard's appearance have been standardized (as much as possible) throughout. While some fans have adored the new additions, others are bemoaning what could have been. These are a few things that could have appeared on the character creator but didn't.

One notable difference in the Mass Effect games is that the hairstyle options are specifically gendered. The female player character gets access to a certain set, and the male player character has access to a different set. This seems unnecessary at best and gender-normative at worst.

This means that the back of the chosen hairstyle - something that players will be staring at for the rest of the game - is still a mystery until the first cutscene runs. We would have accepted a creepy, owl-esque head turn if it meant not having a back-of-the-head lootbox reveal.

While one couldn't expect Mass Effect to add another voice to Shepard out of the blue, a side effect of watching the model's mouth move was the ability to check how facial animations would contort your creation.

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition trailer already seems to confirm that hair will not be among the major graphical upgrades taking place in the remaster. The shot of Miranda Lawson shows her hair rendered very similarly to her appearances in Mass Effect 2 and 3, largely as a single block with a few strands around the edges to create the illusion of individual hairs. For fans of the franchise, this probably isn't a game-changer, but for anyone hoping to give their Shepard some luxurious locks, it doesn't seem to be in the cards.

However, the brand-new update slightly revamps the character creator, finally adding a new complexion option and making all hairstyles gender neutral. Luckily, the update also introduced a facial reconstruction station on board the Tempest, so even if you're deep into your playthrough, you don't have to start a new game from scratch to get your character looking exactly right.

If you decide that lipstick color your picked is a little too garish, or just need a fresh haircut, you can change your appearance any time on board the Tempest. To do so, head to the med bay and hang a left once you enter the doors. On the desk is a computer terminal labeled "facial reconstruction suite."

Canon has not released driver for OS 10.15 Catalina and if you installed the Mojave version of the plug in, it may not work correctly. The public release of macOS10.15 Catalina is set for early October and shortly after it is released, Canon should have the drivers and updated software download. Late last year Hikvision introduced a plugin-free solution for PC users and that massively improved the usability of Chrome & Firefox with Hikvision, but this solution has done very little to improve the situation for Mac users and so there are still no browsers that function at all well for Mac users.

While efficient, a side effect of the TFC method is that replacing a texture edits all PCCs that reference that texture. For example, changes to commonly referenced textures such as eyebrows or eyelashes can affect hundreds of files. Thus, textures must be changed with care.

Asari resemble humans in terms of basic skeletal structure with five digits on each hand and feet that are relatively straight (certainly in comparison to species like quarians and turians). This similarity allows asari to wear human armor. A typical asari has a blue to purple complexion, though a teal complexion is possible albeit seemingly rare. Some asari, such as Matriarch Lidanya, Matriarch Benezia, Liara T'Soni, and Tela Vasir have facial markings, which are unique colored patterns that vary for every asari. Some of these facial markings resemble the eyebrows that humans have, but the asari do not think of the markings as such themselves. In the place of head hair, asari possess semi-flexible, cartilage-based scalp-crests that grow into shape. These structures are rigid, and do not "flop around" as some believe. Asari have navels as well as breasts that continue to grow with age. Asari also have a robust cellular regenerative system; while they do not heal faster than other species, they are known to reach over 1000 years of age. This long lifespan is rivaled only by the krogan. Asari can see ultraviolet at the short-wavelength end of the spectrum. Asari blood is purple.

The asari were the first contemporary race to achieve spaceflight and discover the mass relay network. When they found the Citadel in 580 BCE, the asari also encountered the keepers, whose mute assistance enabled them to quickly settle on the station and learn how to operate its systems. Sixty years later, the salarians made first contact with the asari, and together the two species agreed to found the Citadel Council in 500 BCE, a galactic governing body that would come to unite dozens of races. In later years, the asari continued to explore the galaxy and welcomed several other races to the burgeoning galactic community.

Weapons developed by the asari include the Acolyte heavy pistol and Disciple shotgun. The Acolyte excels at stripping enemy shields and barriers, but is less effective against armor; the shooter's biotics are expected to make up for that shortcoming. The Disciple uses shells packed with microscale submunitions to deal staggering amounts of damage, stunning even shielded enemies. The asari military also fields the A-61 Mantis Gunship.

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