Buildozer and webview backend?

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Kevin Ollivier

Aug 29, 2018, 9:41:18 PM8/29/18
Hey all,

Long time no talk! :) I wanted to post first on the IRC channel, but it
seems as if unregistered users are given the silent treatment?

Anyway, I'm finally able to do some work with Python for Android again,
and on this new project I'm working on we're trying to use buildozer to
build a Django app using the webview backend. Among other requirements,
it needs pyjnius to make some native API calls, but when we build and
then import jnius, the import itself appears to work but then the app
just quits after a little while. If we uncomment the jnius import, it
loads and runs (of course, sans the jnius functionality we're hoping to

We're making sure to set the backend to webview and adding
genericndkbuild to requirements, but one thing that struck me a bit odd
was that there were a few log messages with V/SDL in them. That's really
all we have to go on in the way of debug messages, though, aside from
the "Python for Android has ended" message a little after the python line.

I know I was using p4a directly with my webview backend builds, and I'm
wondering if there are others who have used the webview + jnius +
buildozer combination successfully. If so, any tips or caveats to be
aware of?


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