I want to store images into a h5 file using pytables. The problem is that the images are at different resolution as numpy.ndarray.
I tried using the "create_table" with a cutomized class, and I tried to set the Col type as "tables.Col.from_dtype(np.dtype(np.uint8))". But when I tried to pass an image in, the error is "TypeError: invalid type (<class 'numpy.ndarray'>) for column ``rgb``"
I also tried to use "create_array" or "create_earray", but seems bot method requires the image to be the same resolution? For example, I can do "shape=(0, 256, 256, 3)", but I cannot store image with different resolutions with error "ValueError: the shapes of the appended object and the ``/rgb`` EArray differ in non-enlargeable dimension 1".
I'd appreciate it if you could provide some hints to the problem?