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Installing PyTables in MS Fabric

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Moe eljawad

Nov 22, 2024, 8:44:22 AM11/22/24
to pytables-users
Hello i am trying to use called stats-scan where i can fetch tables from statistic canada website starting from MS Fabric.
When i am executing trying to fetch a table to a dataframe i am getting an error that Pytables is missing.
ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'pytables'. Use pip or conda to install pytables.
From what i had read on the documentation, it is not a simple pip install, as it needs some prerequisites to precede the pip install.
Did any one try installing pytables in MS Fabric.

Antonio Valentino

Nov 23, 2024, 6:20:53 AM11/23/24
to Moe eljawad, pytables-users
Dear Moe,

Il 22/11/24 14:44, Moe eljawad ha scritto:
Sorry, I have no experience with MS Fabric.
But your understanding is correct, you cannot just use pip because there
are prerequisites that need to be there.

PyTables is well supported by conda/mamba, by the way.
Is it an option for you?

kind regards
Antonio Valentino

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