Here it is information about the next NumFOCUS meeting that is going to have place in November in NYC. I plan to be there this year, so in case you want something to be discussed, please let me know and I'll try to convey your concerns as much as I can.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Ralf Gommers <>Date: dc., 26 de juny 2019 a les 20:09
Subject: [NumFOCUS Projects] NumFOCUS Summit: your input on topics
To: <>
Hi all,
The dates for the NumFOCUS Summit have been confirmed by Leah: 2-3 November in NYC. On Monday 4 November there's space available for small group collaborative sprints if people are interested in that. These dates will coincide (or partially overlap - details TBD) with PyData NYC.
The Program Committee has now gathered twice, and decided on the main topics for the Summit.
Funding (main track)
How to get it
Different funding models
How to manage it
How funding can change your project
Grant writing help
- ....
Leadership/Governance/Project Management (second track)
Training on NumFOCUS resources (e.g. Rocket, Keeper, shared drives & finances)
Governance challenges & help
“Ask a Lawyer” (copyright, trademarks, licensing…)
- ...
We will allow for more time allocated as true unconference time. The need for this was consistent feedback from last years' survey.
The requests to all of you are:
- Please discuss within your projects and have the person/people most interested in or suitable for these topics reserve these dates.
- Please propose detailed topics/sessions that fall within the scope of these funding and leadership main topics.
- These can be ones that you'd like to see, or like to lead.
- You can reply on this list, or send them to me.
Based on your feedback we aim to put together a schedule in July.
All the best,
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