def myfun(s,i=[0]):
i[0]+=1 # mutable variable get evaluated ONCE
return i[0]
pyspider is designed to be distributed, your request might be processed by different handler instance.
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E.g. you have two box running pyspider, the first URL is handled by box A, you increase the counter to 1. The URL B is handled by box B, it will still find the counter is 0.
On Wed, 7 Jun 2017, 15:40 Nick Gilmour, <> wrote:Thanks for the reply but I don't really understand what you mean.Could you be more specific?
On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 12:36 AM, Roy Binux <> wrote:
pyspider is designed to be distributed, your request might be processed by different handler instance.
On Wed, 7 Jun 2017, 14:41 Nick Gilmour, <> wrote:
Hi all,I have a website, where I have to pass some parameters to the URL. I have defined the params dict and is working fine for the first page. In the dict there is a parameter which controls where to start, like an index offset. No matter what I do, I cannot increment this value in order to get the next results, I'm always getting only the first ten results. How can I solve this problem?Is there some kind of a trigger I can use?Even this example in which a counter is incremented every time the function is called:def myfun(s,i=[0]): print(s) i[0]+=1 # mutable variable get evaluated ONCE return i[0]
from here:is not working within pyspyder. I don't understand why.
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That's only an example, even with one box, pyspider will recreate the script context at any time. You shouldn't do that.
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pyspider will recreate the script context at any time
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A script is actually a string basically. It need to be executed before handle any requests. When it gets created, it's a brand new context. All variables is rested to its default value.
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Generate all links once in single callback.
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I don't know what you trying to do. Can you provide some sample code?
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Can you put the loop in index page or make it as a function and call or with response.text
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I'm still not sure you are trying to do. Self.crawl is to submit a URL to fetch. You can use loop to submit multiple URL.
While debug, you can select any tasks you submitted to go deeper.
Use break to break a Loop
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