Building PySide for Android

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Adrià Cereto Massagué

May 8, 2012, 10:42:06 AM5/8/12

I've been attempting to build PySide 1.1.1 for android, with python2.7 from
and using Necessita's bundled NDK r6b with Linaro's toolchain 4.6.2.

I'm using adapted versions of Thomas Perl's patches.

So far, I've been able to build libshiboken, but i has been built as while PySide looks for
A symlink solved that.
Then PySide would complain about missing shiboken binary... then a symlink against the host machine shiboken binary solved that too.
And now I'm stuck trying to generate the bindings for QtCore:

Linking CXX shared library
[  3%] Built target pyside
[  4%] Running generator for QtCore...
Fatal error: line=22, column=71, message=Failed to parse: 'typesystem_core_android.xml'

Cannot parse file: /home/ssorgatem/pyside-android/BuildScripts/pyside/build/PySide/QtCore/typesystem_core.xmlmake[2]: *** [PySide/QtCore/PySide/QtCore/qabstracteventdispatcher_wrapper.cpp] Error 1
make[1]: *** [PySide/QtCore/CMakeFiles/QtCore.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

The relevant contents on typesystem_core.xml are:

<typesystem package="PySide.QtCore">
    <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core_android.xml" generate="yes"/>
    <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core_common.xml" generate="yes"/>

But typesystem_core_android.xml does not exist. If I write it by hand it disappears again, so it's being removed, and
therefore I guess it should be generated in some way... but how?
Any ideas?

Thank you,


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Adrià Cereto Massagué

May 8, 2012, 1:52:17 PM5/8/12
Hi again,

I've managed to get PySide/ built, (typesystem_core_android.xml did not disappear, after all)
but now it's QtGui who's not wanting to build. Here's the output:

[ 20%] Building CXX object PySide/QtGui/CMakeFiles/QtGui.dir/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp.o
/home/ssorgatem/pyside-android/BuildScripts/pyside/build/PySide/QtGui/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp: In function 'int Sbk_QCursor_Init(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*)':
/home/ssorgatem/pyside-android/BuildScripts/pyside/build/PySide/QtGui/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp:158:45: error: invalid conversion from 'Qt::HANDLE {aka void*}' to 'const char* const*' [-fpermissive]
/home/ssorgatem/necessitas/Android/Qt/480/armeabi/include/QtGui/qpixmap.h:80:5: error:   initializing argument 1 of 'QPixmap::QPixmap(const char* const*)' [-fpermissive]
/home/ssorgatem/pyside-android/BuildScripts/pyside/build/PySide/QtGui/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp: In function 'void PySide_QtCore_Qt_HANDLE_PythonToCpp_QCursor(PyObject*, void*)':
/home/ssorgatem/pyside-android/BuildScripts/pyside/build/PySide/QtGui/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp:895:44: error: invalid conversion from 'Qt::HANDLE {aka void*}' to 'const char* const*' [-fpermissive]
/home/ssorgatem/necessitas/Android/Qt/480/armeabi/include/QtGui/qpixmap.h:80:5: error:   initializing argument 1 of 'QPixmap::QPixmap(const char* const*)' [-fpermissive]
make[2]: *** [PySide/QtGui/CMakeFiles/QtGui.dir/PySide/QtGui/qcursor_wrapper.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [PySide/QtGui/CMakeFiles/QtGui.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [all] Error 2

I have no clue about what to do next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


El dimarts 8 de maig de 2012 16:42:06 UTC+2, Adrià Cereto Massagué va escriure:
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