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tutoring support in Pyret?

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Allison Bogosian

Dec 4, 2023, 10:55:19 AM12/4/23
to Pyret Discuss

I am writing looking for support for my son who is currently enrolled in an Intro to Programming course at his high school.  He is one of the only freshman in the class and is struggling to find support outside of the classroom.  The main focus of the course is to teach through Pyret.  Given that neither parent (myself or husband) are familiar with this language, we are struggling to help support.  Normally, I would seek out support of a tutor but again, can't seem to find any tutors familiar with Pyret.  Seems difficult to support a student when only available time is in classroom and can't get 1:1 focus.  Any resources available that could help him in his learning?  He has a different learning style that I understand and therefore help him in all other subjects but struggle with this one.  

Thank you!    
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