Erratic camera movement when using pyqtgraph.opengl to display a meshitem

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Sep 9, 2023, 5:00:57 AM9/9/23
to pyqtgraph

I'm using a GLViewWidget to visualize GLMeshItems in 3D inside my Python application and I've run into a strange bug. After upgrading all of my project packages, including pyqtgraph, there is some kind of erratic camera movement on both orbit and pan using the left mouse button. I'm only using this package for simple visualization and I'm not really familiar with the inner workings of OpenGL. Does anybody recognize what is happening here and how do I go back to the smooth camera movements (pan and orbit) I had before?

The camera "jumps" seem to occur whenever the orbit is resumed after moving the mouse to a new location.

I've looked at the GLViewWidget opts parameters but there don't seem to be any settings related to the unexpected behavior.

The error started after upgrading from pyqtgraph 0.13.2 to 0.13.3. I have no idea what changed to break this, but downgrading to 0.13.2 resolved the issue.

Sep 10, 2023, 6:11:41 PM9/10/23
to pyqtgraph
It looks like you're seeing something similar to the commenter here:

This was fixed just after the 0.13.3 release (, but for now you could subclass/monkeypatch GLViewWidget to add back the removed method or try setMouseTracking(True) like in the comment linked above.
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