Spatial distribution of wind power generation

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Paul Rupf

Apr 26, 2022, 5:21:50 AM4/26/22
to pypsa
Hello everyone,
I wanted to use atlite to plot the spatial distribution of wind power generation (in GWh) for one year similar to example "Historic comparison of PV and wind". Hence, i used the function cutout.wind(..., capacity_factor=True) to get mean capacity factors for each grid cell and multiply the resulting layout with the capacity layout (layout for installed capacity) and the hours for the corresponding year (8760h). After this, i got a layout with the cummulated wind power generation for every grid cell (at least I think so) and could plot it similiar to the capacity layout.

Later I compared the total power generation with the result of the normal cutout.wind() function and it appeared that they differ significantly.

sum of spatial power generation: 32 GWh
sum of temporal power generation: 59 GWh

Do you have any idea, why the results differ that much, or if I did any obvious mistake while calculating the power generation?

Thank you and best regards,

Johannes Hampp

Apr 27, 2022, 2:48:27 AM4/27/22
to Paul Rupf, pypsa
Dear Paul,

The results shouldn't be different if you are just replicating what
atlite does internally.

Try to check for some common mistakes, like:

* Wrong units
* Mistakes in matrix multiplication (between CF layout / timeseries and
capacity layout)

For consistency checking, see if you can replicate the annual CF
returned from atlite with the .wind(..., capacity_factor=False) values.

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