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DAE integration with events (rootfinding) within Pyomo

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François LESAGE

Oct 17, 2024, 1:35:24 AM10/17/24
to Pyomo Forum
Hello Everybody,
I have developed a model including a DAE system (about 20 equations) and relying heavily on events (physical modifications of the system, which requires a new computation of some states). For now, I use Matlab solvers to integrate this system, which works well.

I wish however to migrate the model on Python, and more precisely I wish to use Pyomo (in order not only to simulate but also do some dynamic optimization e.g.).

My question is: can I use the rootfinding features of IDAS (with CasADi) within Pyomo, and if yes, how?

I read Pyomo, CasADi and Sundials docs, but could not find the answer.

An example should be sufficient, but any help is welcome.

Thanks a lot!

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