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Nonlinear Bilevel Problem

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Jaime Vera

May 29, 2024, 2:58:30 PM5/29/24
to Pyomo Forum

Hi everyone,

I'm wonder if is possible to solve nonlinear bilevel problems using the pyomo.bilevel extension. I'm wonder if is possible to solve nonlinear bilevel problems using the pyomo.bilevel extension.

I have a nonlinear model that represent the production characteristics of a set of hydropowers in the same river, and the objective is to maximize their total production, but not all of the energy can be sold because the buyer its also owner of the hydroplants. So, i've formulated the problem as a Stackelberg game, but i'm not quite sure if its possible to solve it with the pyomo.bilevel extension.

Any comment or suggestions in that may be of help?

Thanks a lot!!


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