August 16 is Systems Programming Day

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Jason Orendorff

Aug 1, 2014, 10:35:27 AM8/1/14
Hi everyone. Registration is open for this event now. Take a look.

what: Systems Programming Day
a free, one-day community event
for Nashville programmers
with free food and challenging tech talks

when: Saturday, August 16, 9 AM to 4 PM
where: Emma - 11 Lea Avenue, downtown

details & sign-up:

Systems Programming Day is about looking inside the systems we use every day.
If you've ever wondered how garbage collection works, what it's like to modify
an operating system kernel, what sort of black magic makes a Python dict lookup
equally fast no matter how many entries it has --- this event is for you.

We'll be looking at the code behind the code you write.

Some of these talks will be a bit more in-depth and advanced than the average
talk at user groups around town and previous Nashville Code Co-op events, but
we'll have the same informal, question-friendly environment. I hope you'll
join us.

It's free, but sign up is required so I know how much food to get.

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