Japanese translation for PyMOTW

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May 25, 2009, 2:07:30 AM5/25/09
Hi Doug and folks,

I'm Tetsuya Morimoto who is a Japanese Pythonista.

I had a good thing that I found really nice article named PyMOTW.
So, I have started to translate PyMOTW into Japanese.

Currently, I have translated 3 articles, base64, heapq and tempfile.
Here is Japanese translation for PyMOTW.

I'm enjoying learning and translating.
Though there are few translations now, I'm going to translate modules
day by day.

A "http://docs.python.org/library/contents.html" hyper-link is
missing, so I changed to "http://docs.python.org/library/" in my
translation. :)


Doug Hellmann

May 25, 2009, 7:52:04 AM5/25/09
to pym...@googlegroups.com

On May 25, 2009, at 2:07 AM, t2y wrote:

> Hi Doug and folks,
> I'm Tetsuya Morimoto who is a Japanese Pythonista.
> I had a good thing that I found really nice article named PyMOTW.
> So, I have started to translate PyMOTW into Japanese.
> Currently, I have translated 3 articles, base64, heapq and tempfile.
> Here is Japanese translation for PyMOTW.
> http://d.hatena.ne.jp/t2y-1979/20090525/1243227350

Nice work, Tetsuya! I like the way you have even translated the
comments in the source code. Do you plan to upload your translations
to a source code hosting site like BitBucket.org?

> I'm enjoying learning and translating.
> Though there are few translations now, I'm going to translate modules
> day by day.

If you send me a short paragraph with some information about yourself,
I will include it when I add a link to your work to the project page
on my site.

> P.S.
> A "http://docs.python.org/library/contents.html" hyper-link is
> missing, so I changed to "http://docs.python.org/library/" in my
> translation. :)
> http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/about.html

I wonder if that changed with 2.6? Thanks for reporting the problem,
I'll fix the link the next time I update the site.


Morimoto Tetsuya

May 25, 2009, 9:36:47 AM5/25/09
to pym...@googlegroups.com
Hi Doug,

> Do you plan to upload your translations to a source code
> hosting site like BitBucket.org?

It seems good site to share source code.
I made my account, however, I need more time to learn how to use.
I will upload my code after I will get used to it.

> If you send me a short paragraph with some information about yourself, I
> will include it when I add a link to your work to the project page on my
> site.

OK, here is my pleasure.
I like programming with Python.
A lot of programmers in the world get familiar with Python and
create wonderful programs. Standard modules also are one of them.
I'm looking forward to meet the cool code!

2009/5/25 Doug Hellmann <doug.h...@gmail.com>:

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