Windows Update Regeneratorl

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Pascale Lakkis

Nov 30, 2023, 5:56:12 PM11/30/23
to pymodbus

DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the update to how Burning works, we wanted Wildfire Shot to excel at applying the Burning effect. A single charge now instantly applies 3 Burning stacks. Casting it again will refresh those stacks but will not exceed the cap of 3. Since 1 charge now equals 3 stacks of Burning, the total damage potential increased (from 1 charge 100 damage, to 1 charge 300 damage). We slightly increased the Power Requirement and reduced the Impact Damage to compensate.

DEVELOPER COMMENT: With all our updates, especially to melee, we found that Cold as Ice was giving too great of a benefit to 2 of 3 players in coop situations. Now the total is 20% for 2 instead of 30%.

Windows Update Regeneratorl

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