So I'm a Google Chromecast convert and one of the nifty features is that
if you have the Chrome browser installed with a .5MB plugin -- you can
cast your whole screen (or browser tab) to the projector. Since there
won't be any weird adapter or resolution issues -- I think this might
streamline meetings a bit. The only requirement is that presenters
install Chrome and/or the plugin before the meeting and have working
WiFi (everything would just connect to Clockwork Guest). All of this is
Win/Mac/*nix compatible so I don't think there will be a supported
platform issue.
If nobody objects or we can't think of any other downsides, I will bring
my Chromecast to the December meeting as a test (I just need to order an
female HDMI to female HDMI adapter so I can plugin the module at Clockwork).
Yays or nays? We're a community so you're participation is welcome...
errr expected... errr needed ;-)
Peter J. Farrell
Principal Technologist - Maestro Publishing, LLC / Twitter: @maestrofjp
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