VSRE: Projector Use Streamlining via Chromecast?

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Peter J. Farrell

Nov 21, 2013, 4:44:50 PM11/21/13
to pym...@googlegroups.com
So I'm a Google Chromecast convert and one of the nifty features is that
if you have the Chrome browser installed with a .5MB plugin -- you can
cast your whole screen (or browser tab) to the projector. Since there
won't be any weird adapter or resolution issues -- I think this might
streamline meetings a bit. The only requirement is that presenters
install Chrome and/or the plugin before the meeting and have working
WiFi (everything would just connect to Clockwork Guest). All of this is
Win/Mac/*nix compatible so I don't think there will be a supported
platform issue.

If nobody objects or we can't think of any other downsides, I will bring
my Chromecast to the December meeting as a test (I just need to order an
female HDMI to female HDMI adapter so I can plugin the module at Clockwork).

Yays or nays? We're a community so you're participation is welcome...
errr expected... errr needed ;-)


Peter J. Farrell
Principal Technologist - Maestro Publishing, LLC
Identi.ca / Twitter: @maestrofjp

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Kyle Marek-Spartz

Nov 21, 2013, 4:51:55 PM11/21/13
to pym...@googlegroups.com, Peter J. Farrell
If there Free Software zealots who are unwilling to install Chrome, would this work for Chromium, or does the plug-in only work with “normal” Chrome?

(I don’t have Chrome installed, but would be willing to. I’m not quite that zealous.)

Kyle Marek-Spartz
>Meetings Schedule / RVSP on our Meetup at http://python.mn
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Peter J. Farrell

Nov 21, 2013, 5:00:22 PM11/21/13
to pym...@googlegroups.com
Kyle Marek-Spartz said the following on 11/21/2013 10:51 AM:
> If there Free Software zealots who are unwilling to install Chrome, would this work for Chromium, or does the plug-in only work with “normal” Chrome?
> (I don’t have Chrome installed, but would be willing to. I’m not quite that zealous.)
Just checked and it works on my Chromium install too! On Linux to boot
too! Thanks for mentioning that Kyle!

Peter Farell

Nov 25, 2013, 5:44:31 AM11/25/13
to pym...@googlegroups.com
Hey Peter J Farrell
This is Peter J Farell from Duluth
I am just getting started out with python on my Raspberry PI... so I was looking around for some local user groups.
Found this on google and was like shocked to see that I had already wrote to the group about
a subject that I know so little about.   Anyhoo.. had to say hi to my name sake.  

Peter J. Farrell

Nov 26, 2013, 6:11:12 AM11/26/13
to pym...@googlegroups.com
Peter Farell said the following on 11/24/2013 11:44 PM:
> Hey Peter J Farrell
> This is Peter J Farell from Duluth
So that is where my replicant went... ;-)
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