Overview of Medical Physics Programming Projects

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Simon Biggs

Feb 20, 2020, 5:42:46 AM2/20/20
to pyme...@googlegroups.com
Centres all around the world are constantly reinventing the wheel. It’s all well and good wanting to collaborate, however there is a discoverability problem. We don’t know what other teams are working on and what they plan to work on. We also don’t necessarily know the problems that people have previously solved with code and would be willing to share.

One idea to tackle this was to produce the document available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1thWPDTolObThz6ihGPJ8xFDImVQT792xowExFUO8Kxo/edit?usp=sharing.

It was thought that potentially there would be value in building out a document of projects to aid in discoverability. A range of sites have already added projects to this document. I do suspect that the gap this document was attempting to fill may be able to be more appropriately met by this mailing list itself however. Feedback is requested regarding the value of a document such as that linked above.

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