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PyramidConf, Fall 2023, Spain

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Nejc Zupan

Oct 23, 2022, 7:23:12 AM10/23/22
Now that lockdowns are (hopefully!) a part of history, I started thinking of organizing a Pyramid conference.

The general idea is two days of talks and a day for a sprint. Wed to Fri. Probably Spain, in October or November 2023.

I want to gauge if there is interest from the community in attending and sponsoring such an event?

Can we even get enough talks to fill up two days?

Some of the topics I’d personally *love* to hear talks on:
* Migration to Pyramid 2.0
* Databases use cases (why/why not Posgres, Mongo, etc.)
* Performance & scaling
* Deployment use cases (containers vs. more traditional, even baremetal deployments, etc.)
* Dev tips, testing best practices
* Typing of Pyramid projects (mypy and friends)
* Success stories
* Frameworks on top of pyramid

I’m sure there’s more!


Steve Piercy

Oct 24, 2022, 9:25:32 AM10/24/22
I would definitely like to participate. I just got back from PloneConf 2022 ( in Namur, Belgium, and it felt wonderful to reconnect with friends and colleagues in the community with which Pyramid shares common roots through Zope, especially after a long lockdown. The training, talks, and sprints made it an education. The friendship, food, and beer made it a celebration. And since PloneConf 2023 will be held in the Basque Country in the north of Spain, perhaps we could piggy-back on the location and facilities and grow the community with Pyramid developers?

Additional topics in which I would be interested to hear or present on.

* Using a debugger in an IDE (PyCharm, VSCode) when their code is running in a container. I have never been able to get this to work in an app that uses multiple containers (code, db, API called by code, nginx, redis). That might be too specific a use case, but something I would use.
* Documentation with MyST and other Sphinx extensions, and using modern themes (pydata, sphinx-book-theme)
* pyramid_openapi3, and designing APIs
* Making `make` make everything
* Testing the frontend of an application (Cypress, Selenium, Playwright)


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Mikko Ohtamaa

Nov 1, 2022, 3:50:15 PM11/1/22
Hi all,

I'll definitely be in Pyracon 2023. Happy to attract some of my friends from Finland as well.


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