Using Colander to go from Python object to JSON

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Alex Kessinger

Nov 28, 2016, 4:02:03 PM11/28/16
to pylons-devel
Hi, I have a question about the appropriate use of Colander to go from a python object to JSON

Let's say I have a django model called Person, and a schema called PersonSchema.

Would this be an appropriate way to take a person model to json?

person = Person.objects.get(pk=1)
= person.to_dict()
= PersonSchema().serialize(appstruct)
= json.dumps(cstruct)

Is this about right? Should I instead just be going from dict to json?

Michael Merickel

Nov 28, 2016, 4:44:25 PM11/28/16
to pylons-devel
Colander is not suitable for serializing to json - its cstruct format is always strings. In my experience the only use of colander's serialization is for use with deform - however it's great for deserializing json to an appstruct. It's been a common complaint over the years but nothing much has been done to sort it out due to bw-compatibility issues.

If I were looking to serialize data to json and validate it, I'd recommend instead converting it to a json-compatible cstruct first, and then validating it (via deserialize) and skip serialize altogether. Alternatively you might look at the marshmallow library instead of colander which probably does a better job of coercing types while serializing.

appstruct = person.to_dict()
if validate(appstruct, PersonSchema()):
    return json.dumps(appstruct)

- Michael

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Alex Kessinger

Nov 29, 2016, 12:29:03 PM11/29/16
to pylons-devel

On Monday, November 28, 2016 at 2:44:25 PM UTC-7, Michael Merickel wrote:
Colander is not suitable for serializing to json - its cstruct format is always strings. In my experience the only use of colander's serialization is for use with deform - however it's great for deserializing json to an appstruct. It's been a common complaint over the years but nothing much has been done to sort it out due to bw-compatibility issues.

If I were looking to serialize data to json and validate it, I'd recommend instead converting it to a json-compatible cstruct first, and then validating it (via deserialize) and skip serialize altogether. Alternatively you might look at the marshmallow library instead of colander which probably does a better job of coercing types while serializing.

appstruct = person.to_dict()
if validate(appstruct, PersonSchema()):
    return json.dumps(appstruct)

- Michael

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Alex Kessinger <> wrote:
Hi, I have a question about the appropriate use of Colander to go from a python object to JSON

Let's say I have a django model called Person, and a schema called PersonSchema.

Would this be an appropriate way to take a person model to json?

person = Person.objects.get(pk=1)
= person.to_dict()
= PersonSchema().serialize(appstruct)
= json.dumps(cstruct)

Is this about right? Should I instead just be going from dict to json?

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